Reading Club
Welcome to the Reading Club! Every student and staff member at Inman is automatically a member of the club. This year there will be no leveled reading club forms to complete.
Why no more forms? There are many reasons we have chosen to no longer require reading record forms. We already changed the focus of reading for the Intermediate students to help them read a range of books of their choice. Even with this new format, students often forgot to complete these and hand them in. This also occurred with Primary students.
Ultimately, we wanted to use our time with students at school to promote reading in other, more productive ways than collecting reading club forms. Finally, recording reading should not be a chore and we know that external rewards can actually reduce the desire to read for kids. This year, classroom teachers will look at ways that encourage engagement of reading which we hope to share at our Celebration of Learning assemblies.
Our goal continues to create a community of readers who develop a love of reading and read for fun. To create this at home, make reading a special time for you and your child, talk to them about their reading and model good habits by reading yourself. The following article from “Promoting Reading of School-Aged Children” also emphasizes the important of reading out loud at any age. It is also very important that we honour children’s choices for reading.
Another website worth reading is “11 Ideas to Make Reading the Center of Your Universe” by Chitra Soundar.
Thank you for helping your child develop a lifetime habit of reading!
Regards, Ms. Giacomazza