Pink Shirt Day

Shane Koyczan author of “To This Day” is a great conversation starter about the lasting effects  of nicknames and “Sticks and Stones” derived from a children’s rhyme.  Here is an animated video of his poems.

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Aboriginal Animal Symbolism

Resource Links to stories about Animals

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Insects in Winter

Not a Buzz to be Found by Linda Glaser is a picture about some of the following insects hiding during the winter.  

Woolly Bear Caterpillar

Morning Cloak Butterfly







Pondhawk Dragonfly



Bald-Faced Hornet

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Literacy Week in honour of Family Literacy Day

In celebration of Family Literacy Day on Saturday, January 27, Inman has decided to focus  on a variety Literacy themes during the week.  Show your spirit for Literacy and participate!   

This is also an opportunity for families to read and engage in literacy-related activities. Download some activities in either English or French to participate at home from

Monday – Learning through the Arts

Tuesday – Knowledge in your Pocket Day

  • Write down a fact that you’ve learned this year and share it with someone at school.  It could be math equations, cool science facts, etc. anything you’ve discovered in your classroom. 

Wednesday – READ Shirt Day (must be appropriate for school)

  • Wear a shirt with an awesome slogan
  • Surprise reader 2:30

Thursday – Folk/Fairy Tale/Legends Day

  • Teachers share a written or oral story.
  • At home, share one that is your all time favourite.  The image below can be used help students understand where their story may fit.

Teacher Resource on Fairy Tales, Folktales, Fables, Legends, Myths.

Friday – Literacy Celebration

  • Reading Club Acknoweledgments
  • Special Skit
  • Answers to the Matching Teacher’s Favourite Book Challenge

Saturday – Family Literacy Day – How will you celebrate?

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Inuit Story ~ The Owl and the Lemming

Oral history of Inuit is filled with many folktales, legends, and myths. In this traditional story, a young owl catches a lemming to eat. With this fable, children quickly learn the value of being clever and humble, and why pride and arrogance are to be avoided.

Check out the differences between how each story unfolds of this Inuit Legend between the picture book and online video stories.

  • How does the lemming trick the owl? 
  • What lessons does the lemming learn?


Jacobus Willem Hoedeman is a Dutch-Canadian filmmaker known for his mastery of stop motion animation and technical innovation in films that reveal his close observation of human and social interaction. The following video is his interpretation of  The Owl and the Lemming by Roselynn Akulukjuk.

A puppet animation has also been produced by Taqquit Productions

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Role of Elders in our Community

All cultures have Elders from whom we can learn a wealth of knowledge with respect to relationships with others and with our environment. 

Who do you have in your life that you would consider an Elder?
For next session, explain why and their connection to you.  In preparation, memorize  or write the family connection and their full names.

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Giving Credit Using Citation Builder

Worldbook Citation Builder

Test it out with the following website that talks about the Mona Lisa:


Select citation type.  A website, a book, etc.

  • There are lots of fields presented for each type. Don’t stress but it is important to try your best by providing the most information as possible. 
  • Sometimes, information about the site or author is available on other parts of the website.  If you think about a store such as Walmart, there are many departments to buy the various goods.  Well, some websites work the same way.  You need to find the information on different areas. More credible websites will have this information available.
  • Submit when done
  • Select MLA format. Copy the information. 
  • Paste it onto a ‘new page’ and make sure there is a title: References
  • Ali Khan, Ahmad. “Mona Lisa Facts For Kids – Learn All About Mona Lisa.” KidzFeed. Web. 6 Dec. 2017. <>.




Use Citation Builder for the following facts:

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Inman Community Triumphant at Book Fair

Mr. Chow’s Tie 

Thank you Inman, you’ve raised over $5000 in net sales!!

A big Thank You to PAC for organizing this event in support of the school library!  Mrs. Giacomazza is very excited to buy and see our students excited to read! Thank you to Mr. Chow who was a good sport during this event.  He even wore his tie out shopping the other night promoting a new fashion in tie wear. 

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Book Fair ~ Help Mr. Chow’s Tie Shrink by the End of the Concert

Lets Go Inman!!  Every $500 we sell at the book fair, staff and students get to cut a chunk off from Mr. Chow’s TIE!!

See pictures below.  So far we have raised $1500. Can we reach $5000?

What another $500??



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Joyeux Noel ~ Seasons Readings / Book Fair

INMAN BOOK FAIR Sneak Peak of featured books online. 

Hours include: 9 – 9:30 Tues and Thursday Parents Only

12:15-12:45; 3:00 – 3:30  All Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and after the concert Wednesday and Thursday.


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