Literacy Week in Review

Literacy Week assembly, Inman launched a short skit about how building something from scratch takes time, patience, practice and tools and so does Literacy!


Image result for Am I a Scientist picture book Poh TanThen we had an amazing author and illustrator do a read aloud of “Am I a Scientist” written by Poh Tan and illustrated by her son Kahfri Mau.   Kahfri had the audience thinking with his questions. 

During Literacy week, students learned and used a variety of tools that included selecting or creating inspirational quotes and illustrating them, playing fun online literacy games with buddies, creating questions for the school wide Kahoot Literacy Challenge. In addition, teachers swapped each other to do a read aloud in another classroom!

Here is Mr. Chow, the Kahoot Master during our school wide game. Lots of cheers and excitement filled the room!

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Inquiry Animal Questions

Questions may include:

Image result for questions

  • Why do lizards change colour?
  • How do Penguins stay warm?
  • Why are Tarantulas hairy?How do Lions hung? How do they catch their prey?
  • How do Dolphins swim?
  • How do Sloths eat and do their business upside down?
  • Why are Cheetahs so fast?
  • Where do Butterflies Live?

Next step is to organize our questions into Categories which could generate more even more questions.  These could be added to our journals.

Where can we go and research:

  • Books on the Library Cart (French)
  • English in the non-fiction.
  • Library Web Resources:
    • World Book Kids (Animals sounds & videos)
    • L’Encyclopédie Découverte
    • National Geographic Kids (sign in)
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Critique and Feedback Video

The Story of Austin’s Butterfly:  

Critique and feedback:

  • one partner will look at your drawing and compare it to the actual picture. 
  • then he/she will give specific details that could be given to make the picture look similar.
    • Use a student example as a quick demo if possible.
  • then allow the student with the drawing make changes either by fixing or re-drawing that first picture.
  • switch roles and repeat.


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Building Snowzilla’s

Build a Snowzilla based on the book: Snowzilla
by Janet Lawler ; illustrated by Amanda Haley.

First Plan your snowman:

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Ideas and Materials for Hug Machine

Draw all the pieces needed for a squeeze machine.
Identify all materials needed.

The following will be made available in class, but you will need to come up with what is missing.

  • cardboard
  • masking tape
  • elastic bands
  • wooden sticks (cut to size)
  • glue

Image result for squeeze machine temple grandin

What else could you add to make the squeeze machine comfortable?  What can you learn from some of the pictures below:

Image result for squeeze machine temple grandinImage result for squeeze machine temple grandinImage result for squeeze machine temple grandin

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Inquiry on How Things have Improved Over Time

Image result for clock

Over time, how have the following improved?


Keeping food to last longer Clip Art Cold

Communication alt="Mobile phone clip art free vector for free download about" title="Mobile phone clip art free vector for free download about"

Washing clothes alt="Washing cliparts" title="Washing cliparts"

Entertainment (TV)alt="Tv Image Clip Art" title="Tv Image Clip Art"  

Taking pictures alt="Photography symbols clip art design images"

Cooking hot foods alt="Free clipart image for phonics worksheets, free clipart to" title="Free clipart image for phonics worksheets, free clipart to"

Being able to use light No. 2975 Light Bulb

Bathroom facilitiesalt="Toilet clip art"


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Walking on Snow

Place the following in order from oldest to newest.  Share with a partner. 

Bear Paw Traditional Wood SnowshoeEvo 22 Snowshoes Dark Teal

Resource Links:

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How has the Rotary Egg Beater changed over time?

Resource Links:




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Not all Plastics are the Same. Does this matter?

Do you know the difference between plastic types?  Watch each video segment below for more information. 

Image result for types of plastics symbols

So which ones can be recycled?  



How can we begin to change our ways?  

Read the “7 Things you didn’t know about Recycling” from National Geographic.

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Temple Grandin

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