Canadian Veteran Connection ~ Winnie the Pooh

 Here are slightly three different videos explaining the bear’s connection to Canada and how the great granddaughter, Lindsay Mattick, is bringing this story to life through her picture book.


The following news link from explains behind the story of this Canadian Veteran’s tale.

The great granddaughter of a Canadian soldier whose bear cub inspired the story of Winnie the Pooh has visited the UK to retrace his footsteps show in the video below:


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Provinces and Territories

Here are some links to use as you gather facts about your province.  Remember to organize your information around the main headings in Kidspiration.

Teacher Reference Links:
CDN The Symbols of Canada for Teachers.


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D.E.A.R. ~ A Buddy Reading Memory

It was a great read!  Buddy classes selected a book to share with their buddy during D.E.A.R on Tuesday, October 24th. This was an opportunity for the older students to select classics or books that were once read to them when they were young.  It was a special sharing opportunity and once reading time ended, students worked together to create their buddy reading memory.

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Claire and her Grandfather

Claire and her Grandfather story is designed to enhance young people’s awareness of some of the many contributions and inventions by Aboriginal people. This story and website provides an introduction to some historical and contemporary contributions of First Nations and Inuit to Canada and the world.


Audio Story is available below: 

For Teachers:

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Drop Everything and Read

Drop Everything and Read Challenge (D.E.A.R.) 

at 11:00 a.m. 

On Tuesday, October 24, 2017

 Students will be participating in Buddy Reading Activities.


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Big Scary Monster Books

Read a monster book!  

Download monster colouring activity and on the back let me know what monster book you liked the most and why.  When you are done, hand in to Mrs. G so she can add your monster to the display!  










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Harry Potter Makes a Comeback!

20 Years Later and still strong!  Division 3 will be venturing into the magical world of the first Harry Potter novel.  If you have a copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and are willing to donate it, please give to Mrs. Sutton or Mrs. Giacomazza. Thank you.

In the library a display has been prepared with questions from all the novels written.  Come and take a sheet and see if you can guess what book the quotes come from.

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Library Orientation

Intermediate Students participated in a Library Orientation that allowed them to explore the collection using Pokemon as their guide around the library.  In addition, students were placed in groups and needed to work as a team to complete various information tasks that included accessing World Book Online from the Library Web Resources page on the iPads.  At some point, each group faced the pit stop challenge:  Build the highest tower with 20 index cards without talking.

[ngg_images source=”galleries” display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow” gallery_width=”320″ gallery_height=”240″ cycle_effect=”fade” cycle_interval=”10″ show_thumbnail_link=”1″ thumbnail_link_text=”[Show picture list]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

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Not A Box – Genius Hour Launch

Not a Box by Antoinette Portis was used to launch “Genius Hour” with students from a grade 2/3 class. After reading the book, students used small white boards to tap into their imagination and draw a box that could be transformed into anything.  The goal was to create something within a short period of time.  Students then shared their drawings with each other.

This was someone jumping out of a plane and using a parachute for a soft landing.

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Internet Safety

Hippo and Hedgehog

Cyber-Five is a short animation which introduces children to five helpful rules to be safer on the internet. Join Hippo and Hedgehog as they introduce and review the five rules.


See how well you know your Internet Safety Rules by playing: The First Adventure of the Three Cyber Pigs

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