Author Archives: Mrs. Giacomazza

Joyeux Noel ~ Seasons Readings / Book Fair

INMAN BOOK FAIR Sneak Peak of featured books online.  Hours include: 9 – 9:30 Tues and Thursday Parents Only 12:15-12:45; 3:00 – 3:30  All Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and after the concert Wednesday and Thursday.  

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1 Minute Book Talk

  Teacher Resources:  

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Histoires du Père Noël

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How Much Is Too Much?

TMI is an acronym known to many when it comes to the digital world.  Grade 6/7 students were asked how much is Too Much Information to share online through various forms of social media tools such as Snap chat (video … Continue reading

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Buddy Class Creating

Students from Ms. Mauro and Sherwood’s class working together to start the Moccasin Art Project.  Delana was kind enough to show her moccasins with the beautiful bead-work.

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Library Monitors Warm Up the Halls

A hard working group helped to create a beautiful display to remind students to warm up with a good book this holiday season.

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Privacy Pirates

This tutorial introduces students, ages 7-9, to the concept of online privacy and teaches how to distinguish between information that is appropriate to give out and information better kept private – and to recognize how this may change in different contexts. … Continue reading

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Guinea Pig Cages

Researching what is already on the web is a way of building upon other peoples’ ideas to help make your project your own.  Take down the details that you like about what is available online or in the library. The … Continue reading

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Turtle Island Game

Discover some interesting facts about First Nations, Inuit and Métis culture on Turtle Island.              

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The Moccasin by Earl Einarson

“They made me feel warm and loved”: That is how Earl Einarson felt as a child when his foster mother gave him a special gift–a pair of moccasins that connected him to his First Nations culture. Years later, Einarson, who is … Continue reading

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