French 11 Honours
French Honours 11 Prerequisite: French 10 Honours (minimum 80% & ‘G’ work habit)
Resources: D’Accord 2 textbook and workbook.
Students who wish to take French Honours 11, must have received at least 80% in French 10 as well as a ‘G’ work habit mark. Honours students are expected to maintain a high standard of performance in all terms throughout the school year. This course requires memorization, excellent organizational skills and study habits, an excellent attitude and a positive attitude towards language learning!
This course picks up where we left off in the textbook with French 10H. Therefore, it is highly recommended that students complete French 10H before taking French 11H. Students who were not in the French 10H class at Burnaby South will need to spend some additional time to catch up on some of the vocabulary and grammar concepts as they are not taught in regular French 10 classes.
Course Description:
In this course, students will:
- Complete a thorough overview of the material learned in French 10 Honours
- Continue to develop all four aspects of language learning: reading, listening, speaking and writing
- Develop a positive attitude towards French culture in Canada and in the world
- Develop work habits and skills that encourage self-monitoring and self-motivation
- Participate, cooperate and collaborate in small and large groups.
Some themes that may be covered are:
- Technology
- Getting around in a city (directions, locations etc)
- The future and careers
- The environment and green spaces
- The arts
As an Honours class, we will do enrichment activities including participating in the Concours d’art oratoire as well as studying Les Misérables by Victor Hugo.
Benefits of learning French
Do you know that 40% of English vocabulary has derived from French and found in English in areas, like government, law, art, literature, cinema, cuisine, and so on? It is estimated that English speakers who have never studied French already know 15,000 French words. That means you do not need to start from scratch!
Do not miss your opportunity! Later in your life, you might be offered a government position or might need to communicate with clients, access information or do some research in French or might have a possibility to work, study, and travel abroad. Studying French at the secondary school will give you a great deal of credits.
- Knowledge of the French language is an asset, not a disadvantage
- It enriches your writing and reading-comprehension skills in English
- It can be used to meet high school diploma and university/college entrance requirements
- It enhances your job and career opportunities
- It allows to connect with people all over the world since it is spoken in more than 60 nations
- It broadens your horizons and develops a better understanding of others
- It makes travelling experience more exciting and enjoyable
- It helps meet new friends and have more fun
- It gives a boost to your brain increasing higher-level thinking and reducing the effects of aging on some brain functions