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vancouver korean-canadian scholarship foundation (VKCSF)
The Vancouver Korean-Canadian Scholarship Foundation (VKCSF) is a charitable organization dedicated to providing scholarships to qualified students with or without Korean heritage.
VKCSF hopes to encourage students to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the Korean-Canadian community and the wider Canadian society
The scholarships will be awarded to Korean-Canadian, Canadian and international students who excel in academic or vocational training and in community and/or other meritorious activities.
Financial needs will also be considered.
How to Apply?
- Personal Information Form: Applicant's name, Social Insurance Number (SIN), mailing address, telephone number, email address, school affiliation, year and major, parent(s)' or guardian(s)' name(s) and occupation (download form here)
- One passport-size colour photo
- Essay (No more than 600 words, double-spaced, font size 11): please choose one from below:
- The most influential person in my life;
- Explain in your own words what a citizen consumer is and how this relates to you? ("Citizen consumers are looking to buy from companies that are engaged with serious human issues, that have a deep substantive purpose" by Carol Cone, the managing director of brand and corporate citizenship for Edelman
- Korea has become influential in both technology (Samsung & LG) and entertainment (performers, actors & singers) around the world. Has this had any impact on your life as a Korean-Canadian living in Canada? Why or why not.
- A copy of official academic transcript that encompasses all school years. In the case of first-year students, university and high school transcripts.
- Financial statement (1 page) that details how you finance your study and why you need a scholarship. In case you are supported by your parents, describe the yearly household income of your family and provide income tax report. All documents should be signed by the applicant.
- Two reference letters: at least one of them should be an academic reference letter. (Official letterhead, signed and sealed, email also accepted)
- Any additional documents such as award certificates, certificate of community service activities (total hours, official signatures, nature of volunteer work). Photocopies accepted.
Submit your Application Package to:
#100-504 Cottonwood Avenue
Coquitlam, V3J 2R5
Inquiries: www.vkcsf.org (info@vkcsf.org)
Applications deadline: June 15th
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abbott and fenner annual scholarship - $1000
Abbott & Fenner are committed to continuing our efforts at helping those who have the desire and ambition to succeed
This scholarship is open to ALL High School Juniors & Seniors
To apply for this scholarship, you will need to write an essay between 500 & 1000 words on the following topic
- What was the most difficult time in your life, and why? How did your perspective on life change as a result of this difficulty?
Your completed essays must be sent through email to: scholarships@abbottandfenner.com
Please include the name and location of the school you are presently attending
Applications deadline: June 15th
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trinidad & tobago cultural society of bc -- scholarship essay competition
The Trinidad & Tobago Cultural Society of BC sponsors an annual Scholarship Essay Competition.
This year's Topic: The word "foreign" is becoming meaningless. Discuss"
Additional Details:
- $750 are awarded to each winner, with a maximum of three winners
- Awards will be made to a maximum of one (1) winner for each of the following three (3) categories:
- Graduating High School (Grade 12) students in the BC Lower Mainland
- Graduating students as above, but of Caribbean heritage
- Cecil Ash Memorial Scholarship: Graduating students with Trinidad & Tobago family background
Essay Details:
- Complete the 500 word essay on the topic above
- Complete the Application form here
- Send Completed Application & Essay to:
- Scholarship Committee
Trinidad & Tobago Cultural Society of BC
Suite 635
141-6200 McKay Avenue
Burnaby, BC V5H 4M9 - You can also send an electronic copy to scholarships@ttcsbc.org (but you must still send a printed copy by mail)
Applications deadline: June 20th <-- received by!!
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Tony Marzitelli served on the Board of Directors of the Italian Cultural Centre for 17 years until his unexpected passing in 2010.
Tony Marzitelli was an avid sport fan but also valued the importance of community involvement and post-secondary education.
In memory of Tony Marzitelli, the Marzitelli family has established an annual $500.00 scholarship fund to reward a worthy graduating student with an opportunity to assist in the pursuit of their academic dreams.
- The recipient of the scholarship must be a graduating Grade 12 student residing in the Metro Vancouver area whose parents are of Italian heritage.
- The applicant must submit one letter of reference from an adult who is not a relative (preferably teacher or principal).
- The applicant must submit the application form before the due date.
- The applicant must provide proof of academic achievement. Copy of most recent report card required. Any other achievement awards will be an asset.
- Additional extra-curricular activities demonstrating team-work, volunteerism, and good citizenship will be an asset.
For Additional Information on the Scholarship, check here: http://italianculturalcentre.ca/wp-content/uploads/scholarship_tony-marzitelli-guidelines.pdf
Applications deadline: May 31st <-- received by!!
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confratellanza italo-canadese society scholarship
The Confratellanza Italo-Canadese Society is again offering two $1,000 scholarships to eligible candidates for this year.
The scholarships are open to this year's graduating secondary school students planning to enrol in a post-secondary academic degree program for the first time in 2012.
To be eligible for this scholarship candidates must:
- be of Italian origin i.e. as having at least one parent or grandparent of direct Italian descent
- be living in a city or municipality within the 21-member GVRD
- have an academic standing sufficient to qualify for entry into the post-secondary institution of their choice
Applications deadline: May 19th
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Have you been an ESL Student throughout your High School Career?
Then this scholarship is for you!!
See Application & Further Details here: http://bctf.ca/psas/ESLPSA/documents/CLEScholarshipApplication2011.pdf
Applications deadline: June 1st <-- received by!!
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khalsa credit union scholarships
Are you of Sihk and have excelled in Academics, Sports, or have promoted your religious beliefs in Sihkism?
Then these scholarships are for you!!
See Application & Further Details here: http://www.khalsacreditunion.ca/upload/docs/Scholership2012.pdf
Applications deadline: July 28th
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beckie dyer bursary award - $750
Is your mother or father a member of the Hospital Employees’ Union (HEU)?
Application Criteria
- Complete the Bursary Application --> Download here
- Complete a 500 Word essay pertaining to: How you will be the change you wish to see in the world
- Send Completed Applications to:
- www.rchshopstewards@gmail.com
- Scarlet Scheibel or Frances Roche
330 East Columbia St
New Westminster, BC
Deadline: May 15th
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betty spalton scholarship fund - $1500
The Betty Spalton Scholarship Fund, sponsored by the BC Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association, awards scholarships to individuals obtaining an education in fields associated with the road building & heavy construction
Who May Apply?
- Any student entering or continuing studies leading to a career in road building, road maintenance or heavy construction.
- Preference will be given to students who are female and/or members of minority groups.
- Program of study may be either full or part-time at any BC college, university, technical or trades institute.
- Individuals returning back to school to upgrade their skills and knowledge are welcome to apply.
- The judges reserve the right not to award the scholarship if no suitable candidates apply.
- Canadian citizens
Application Details
- A brief 250 - 500 word essay explaining interest in obtaining an education in the field and career goals.
- Transcripts from any secondary and post-secondary institutions attended.
- A resume.
All application packages should be submitted to:
Betty Spalton Educational Trust Fund
B.C. Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association
Suite 307, 8678 Greenall Avenue
Burnaby, B.C.
V5J 3M6
Deadline: May 31st
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the big dig scholarship -- $3000
You must be currently a Grade 12 student, and planning on entering into your 1st year of College/University in September 2012
In 200yrs, one of your relatives is going to be digging in what is now your backyard. They are going to find something that you buried in 2012, and it is going to put any financial worries they have to rest.
Your job today is to decide what to bury.
Your goal is to find something that will have immense value in the future.
The item that you choose to bury today MUST:
- Be currently sold in a store today
- Be under $500
You must write an essay that is between 500-1000 words, making sure to answer all of the following questions:
- What is the item you are going to bury?
- Where could you purchase the item today?
- How much does the item cost?
- What made you choose this item?
- Why do you believe that the item will have immense value 200 years from now?
Essays will be graded primarily on originiality and depth of content. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling will play a small factor
For comprehensive breakdown, see below:
- Originality --> 35%
- Depth of Content --> 50%
- Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling --> 15%
Additional Information:
- Write your essay using Microsoft Word, with Times New Roman font in 12-point size
- If you are referencing any other sources, please use an annotated bibliography at the end
- Once you have completed your essay, submit it via email to: application@antiquetrader.tv
Please include on the top of your Scholarship Essay the following:
High School:
High School or College/University* Mailing Address:
Please direct any questions concerning the scholarship to Henry at: henryk@antiquetrader.tv
Deadline: June 1st
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vancouver restaurant scholarship
At Cafe Il Nido we offer a yearly scholarship of $500 available to a hard working student who is between the ages of 15 and 21 (as of May 30th, 2012)
- Be a resident of Canada or the United States
- Be a full time student in 2012 in either High School or College/University
- Answer, in 500 words or less, the following essay question
- The cost of a post secondary education has been increasing for a number of years. What do you think are the three main causes of this increase?
Essay Format & Evaluation
- Make sure that you answer the question in 500 words or less
- If you are quoting outside sources, please ensure to cite your work
- Use the AMA Style Guide to cite your work
- For any questions concerning the scholarship , please email cafeilnido@studentscholarships.org
- Please do not call
- Essay questions will be graded on quality rather than on quantity
- There is no single right answer in these cases; much of the grade depends on the clarity of the presentation, the details included, and especially on the understanding of the issues that the well-written answer demonstrates
Applications deadline: May 30th
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B.davis scholarship -- $1000
This Scholarship is available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any post secondary institution.
Be sure to include your name and the school you are attending this year and will be attending next year
This is not an academic scholarship but we would still like to know your current academic standing.
Application Process
Submit an essay of less than 1000 words on the topic below
- Discuss how your education has contributed to who you are today, or how it will affect who you will become
Your essay must be sent by email to: awards@studentawardsearch.com
For more information, visit: http://www.studentawardsearch.com/scholarships.htm
Applications deadline: May 28th
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elmer helm youth fund
Each year hundreds of young people are denied their dream of a post-secondary education. And it’s not because they lack of talent or commitment – it’s because they lack the financial means.
Elmer Helm also had a dream. That dream was to make a positive difference in the community by acting on the belief that when people work together to strengthen their neighbourhoods, everyone benefits.
For over 40 years, Elmer worked with the Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC to provide services that helped bring that dream to life.
In spirit of Elmer’s dedication to the youth, seniors and families of Vancouver; the Association has set up the Award in his name.
What is the Elmer Helm Youth Fund?
Each year, the fund provides financial assistance to deserving students who wish to pursue post secondary training in the artistic, academic or technical fields.
It is the aim of the fund to make such education possible for students who may otherwise not have the financial means.
Up to eight Elmer Helm Youth Fund awards will be presented, of which a minimum of four will go to new recipients, while up to four may be given to prior recipients who are continuing their undergraduate studies.
Each recipient will receive $1,500 in two payments of $750 in late August and January.
Who is eligible?
The Elmer Helm Youth Fund is open to young people under the age of 25 who wish to pursue post secondary training in an artistic, academic or technical field, and must be significantly involved in their community in a volunteer capacity.
The fund is not primarily an academic competition.
Evidence of strong academic achievement and potential is important.
However, it is equally important that the applicant has demonstrated a significant contribution to the life of their community to exemplify the Neighbourhood House ideal of community services.
Application procedures:
Candidates should send their application and the following documents to: The Elmer Helm Youth Fund: #203-3102 Main Street, Vancouver, BC V5T 3G7
- A letter from the candidate outlining personal and career goals, and an explanation of why the candidate believes he or she should be selected for the award
- Three letters of reference from members of the community or from school.
- Documentation regarding academic standing and other accomplishments
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louella downing visual arts scholarship
The scholarship is awarded to a student who has excelled in the Visual Arts in secondary school and who is planning on pursuing a career in Visual Arts at a post secondary institution.
To be considered for the award the student should have:
- Maintained a good academic standing
- Demonstrated excellence in a minimum of two senior Visual Arts courses
- Demonstrated an interest in pursuing a career in Visual Arts
- Formally submitted an application to the Burnaby Teachers' Association. Applications will then be forwarded to a committee of three teachers selected by the Burnaby Art Teachers' Association for selection
- Submitted 8 – 10 photographs of original art work illustrating a range of subjects and media. Each photo must be labeled with the size and media of the art work shown.
The scholarship will be awarded upon proof of registration in a post secondary institution in art, film or design program.
Download Application Here: here
Students must submit their application forms to:
Burnaby Teachers Association
#115 – 3993 Henning Drive
Burnaby, BC V5C 6P7
Applications deadline: May 9
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Burnaby South PAC Bursary
4 awards of $500.00 will be given to the recipients.
Please see info for criteria and application.
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Douglas college entrance awards
Are you attending Douglas College in the Fall?
How to apply:
You will need to complete one general application for awards and bursaries and one general application for scholarships. To do this:
- Login to your myDouglas account
- Click on Financial Aid
- Click on Award Applications
- Click on “Apply” beside the appropriate Bursary, Awards or Scholarships you wish to apply for
- Remember to “Agree” to the terms and conditions EVERY time you open your application
A limited number of entrance scholarships are available for students graduating from secondary schools and proceeding to full-time study at Douglas College.
Eligible candidates must have achieved a record of academic excellence. Participation in school and community activities may also be considered.
Download the application here
Deadline: May 1st
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capilano university entrance awards
Are you attending Capilano University in the Fall?
Here is a list of the Scholarships & Awards available for those students applying to Capilano University....download here
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BCEA Bursary Program
British Columbia Electrical Association is offering bursaries to high school students pursuing a career in:
Electrical / Marketing / Electrical Engineering /Business
Please see info for application
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The 2012 Hebden Chemistry Bursary ($500) is awarded to a BC secondary student who:
- has demonstrated proficiency in Chemistry 11 and Chemistry 12
- has expressed a desire to study Chemistry at the post-secondary level
- submits an essay (up to 150 words) discussing either: why they would encourage a Grade 10 student to study chemistry and what they would say, or; how something they did in Grade 11 or 12 made their school or community a better place for others.
Applications should be sent to Wendy@WesternCampus.ca and include their name, secondary school and chemistry teacher’s name
Deadline is April 30, 2012
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get outside your world contest
Since 2004, the Get Outside Your World (GOYW) Contest has encouraged over 1300 Canadian students to think critically about how Canada can be a strong leader in the world, and the crucial role Canadian youth can play to make that happen
This year, for the first time, EWB is redesigning the format of the contest, and is offering a number of great new prizes to celebrate: a $1000 scholarship for the senior category winner, a $500 prize for the junior category winner, and a trip for both to EWB’s National Conference in January 2013 in Calgary
And it's super easy to enter! Just three steps:
- Think about your answer to the question, "What is Canada's role in the world, and what's your role in making that happen?"
- Tell your MP your answer
- Fill out the application form hereOpens in a new window, to tell us about it!
(get bonus points for telling your MP in a creative way, like baking a fair trade cake or writing them a poem!)
For all of the info on how to enter, click here
Once you’ve reviewed the guidelines and instructions, feel free to contact us at any time by emailing contest@ewb.ca
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visual college of art and design of vancouver scholarships
Are you attending Visual College of Art and Design of Vancouver in the Fall???
Visual College of Art and Design high school scholarship competition will offer up to$150,000 in scholarships this year
Scholarships are available to qualified students who begin classes in the summer or fall term of 2012
Up to one full tuition, and up to four half tuition , and up to 50 partial tuition scholarships
Partial tuition scholarships ranging in value from $1000 - $2500 are offered by Visual College of Art and Design
Full tuition scholarship approximate value $18,676 - $22,786, half tuition scholarship approximate value $9338 - $11,393
You must be scheduled to graduate in 2010 from a Canadian high school or equivalent foreign institution
All entries must be received by Visual College of Art and Design by May 25th
Entry Preparation:
To enter, you must follow ALL general competition guidelines listed below AND individual program entry requirements for the program of your choice.
- Complete the entry form and indicate the program of study for which you have applied
- Complete all individual program entry requirements for your indicated program of study
- Label all DVD's and supporting materials with your name (if appropriate)
- Personal statement that includes your educational and professional goals (250 words)
- Submit a letter from a high school teacher or guidance counselor certifying that entry materials are your original creation. This letter should be submitted on official school letterhead.
- Submit a current high school transcript
- Entries must be contained in one package, and received by May 25th
For Individual Program Submission Requirements, please check here
Download the Application here
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corpus christi college scholarships
Are you attending Corpus Christi in the Fall?
Here is a list of the Scholarships & Awards available for those students applying to Corpus Christi....download here
For the Application required for some of the Scholarships, you can download it here
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wccmt spa & aesthetics scholarship
The Spa and Aesthetics scholarship is awarded once per year to a mature student who has a desire to effect a career transition or to improve their life by gaining additional skills, training and education, but do not have the full resources to do so
This award is meant to offset tuition associated with the recipient’s efforts to attain higher education.
The select candidate is passionate about health and beauty, customer service driven and motivated to provide high quality treatments in a caring and professional manner to a diverse client population.
How to enter:
- Step 1: Complete application form, that you can download here
- Step 2: Write a minimum 300 word essay that outlines your education and career objectives. In addition you must be able to demonstrate financial need and supply a letter of reference from a nonfamily member supporting your application for the scholarship
- Step 3: Submit your application no later than July 30th 2012
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engineering & geoscience scholarships
BC Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists offers several $2500 entrance scholarships to grads entering engineering or geoscience programs at UBC, SFU, UVic, BCIT, and UNBC
Please see the following link for further details on what the criteria is, as well as the application
Deadline for submissions: June 26th
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canadian iranian foundation scholarship $1000
Open to immigrant students who are Canadian citizens or are permanent residents of Canada.
Have volunteered at least 100 hours of community service
Have an active interest in Iranian and Canadian culture and heritage
Will be entering a Canadian post-secondary institute in Fall 2012
For more information, as well as to download the application, click here
Deadline: April 10th
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2 scholarships of $1500 each are offered to Roman Catholic Grade 12 students of Italian-Canadian origin with a B average or higher.
Applicants must attend a post-secondary institution leading to a degree in Canada or another country.
- Strong academic achievement
- The strength of Christian character of the candidate, especially leadership and citizenship qualities, as well as community services rendered within the candidate's own community and school
- Applicants, who in their studies, have a leaning towards the humanities: language, literature, philosophy, history, psychology, fine arts, etc...this does not however, exclude applicants whose academic focus is in the sciences
Application Process
- 400 word type-written letter, double spaced, explanining why he/she deserves to be the reicipient of the scholrarship
- Letter must contain full contact information, including a telephone number and email address
- 3 Letters of Support
- 1 from a Parish Priest
- 1 from a Current Teacher
- 1 from a Third Person
Deadline for submissions: August 31st
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lovison family memorial scholarship
The Lovison Family Memorial Scholarship is meant to encourage and support young people of the Catholic faith who strive for excellence in post-secondary education.
The Lovison Family Memorial Scholarship serves to honour the memory of three family members, by assisting two promising young candidates with their post-secondary studies by granting them scholarships of $800 each.
- Must be Roman Catholic residents in the Lower Mainland
- Grade 12 student, and expect to graduate with a 3.0 GPA
- Poised to begin attending full time at a University, Community College or Technical Institute
- Evidence of strength of Christian character
- Proven track record of community service
- Sportsmanship and team building qualities
Application Process
- Double-spaced typed letter of application of no more than 400 words explaining why you are a fitting candidate for the Scholarship
- Letter must contain full contact information, including a telephone number and email address
- 3 Letters of Support
- 1 from a Parish Priest
- 1 from a Teacher or School Administrator
- 1 from a Third Person
- BC Ministry of Education Transcript of Marks
- Proof of acceptance into a Post-Secondary Institution
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C.S.T. Consultants Inc -
Guruparan and Winsor Scholarships
Granted to students pursuing thier first undergraduate commerce/fiance/business degree/diploma.
please see info for more details
Deadline: April 30th
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Better Business Bureau Ethics Award Program
An award of $2,250.00 to an accredited college or university of his or her choice. The award will be presented to the recipient students in May 2012 at the BBB's Annual General Meeting.
Please see info regaring application!
Due Date Friday, April 13th 2012 (postmark)
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Barbara Brink Internship and Scholarship Program
This is a paid position working alongside Science World’s dynamic and professional staff
Have the opportunity to execute one of several projects identified by the Selection Committee or propose a project of their own creation for consideration
upon successful completion of the project, receive a scholarship award toward their post-secondary studies
For further details visit www.scienceworld.ca/barbarabrink or
call 604 443 7553
Applications must be received by May 20th 2012
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bc technology scholarship - $1000
The BC Technology Scholarship program provides grants to students who have a proven passion for technology and a desire to put their passion to work in a technology company.
This includes, but is not limited to: IT, Engineering, Marketing, Product Management, Business Development, etc
This year there are 6 - $1,000 grants available for GRADS preparing to begin their post-secondary education.
For more information: email events@bctia.org or call 604-683-6159.
- Canadian citizenship (Proof of citizenship will be required before grants are awarded)
- Official Transcripts proving minimum 3.0 GPA
Application Content:
- Complete online form here: http://www.bctia.org/Community/Tech-Scholarship
- Proof of enrollment
- Transcripts
- Briefly describe your academic achievements and goals (300 words max)
- Outline your financial needs and/or obligations (250 words max)
- Submit 2 personal reference letters, along with a copy of your resume
- 1000 word essay explaining your career goals, and how this scholarship will help you achieve your goals
Deadline: April 6th
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CGA will be offering 10 scholarships worth $750!
Applicants should be Canadian Citizens or Landed Immigrants and residents of BC.
Scholastic Achievement, while important, is not the only criteria. Applicants should have a minimum "B" average in grades 11 and 12.
Download the Application here
Deadline: April 15th, 2012
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We are pleased to announce the the following Entrance Awards will be available to students beginning an eligible program between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013
Up to 25 BCIT President's Entrance Awards
- Available ONLY to current Secondary School Students
- Valued up to $4000 each
- Deadline: August 5th, 2012
Over 60 Additional BCIT Entrance Awards
- Valued up to $4500 each
- Deadline: August 5th, 2012 and January 6th, 2013
Students may download copies of the BCIT Entrance Award packages directly from our website at: http://www.bcit.ca/finaid/
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South Asian Family Association Scholarships
South Asian Family Association is proud to offer three ($1,000.00)
A student must:
Canadian citizen or permanent resident
South Asian descent
completing Grade 12 in BC high school
Please see info for more detail
application is due on June 14th 2012.
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Overwaitea Food Group Scholarship
Ten scholarship valued at $1000.00 each to individuals who have played a significant role in diversity initiatives in their school and/or community.
online application: www.owfg.com/diversity
due May 1st 2012
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South BuRNABY Metro Club - Les Tarnowski Bursary
If you played any of these sports for 3 or more years with SBMC, you are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Please see metroclub for more info.
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B.C. Principals' & Vice-principals' Association Scholarships
These scholarships are available to :
non-member BCVPA (10 scholarships)
member of BCVPA (30 scholarships)
First Nation student (2 scholarships)
Please see Mr. Kwan (C105) for more information
Due September 14th 2012
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Burnaby Host Lions 2012 Bursary
A bursary valued at $1500.00 who are planning to pursue further education. The most important aspect of the application is community involvement. See application for more information.
Due : April 16th to Mr Kwan (C105)
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Kwantlen University Entrance Scholarship Program
More information
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Shamin Jewellers Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence
The award recongnizes the passion and perseverance of this select group of students. Receipent will be awarded a diamond watch and $250.00 in cash.
Application is due on March 30th 2012. Please submit forms and essay to Ms. Wong ( Business Dept.)
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burnaby school district scholarships
Burnaby School District Scholarships (due Monday March 26th 2012)
- Burnaby Arts Council Application Here
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bc school trustees association: student citizenship award
The BC School Trustees Association invites applications for its 2012 Awards for Student Citizenship.
We are offering five awards of $500 each.
Students must be graduating from a BC public school and have displayed exemplary citizenship within their school and community.
Download the Application here
Due date: February 28th 2012
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coast capital savings awards
If you’ve demonstrated significant personal growth or community leadership, we’re here to help.
If you are a BC resident entering a full-time accredited Canadian university, college or technical school in the fall of 2012, and have not previously received an Education Award from us, you are eligible to apply.
Coast Capital Savings offers these two Education Awards:
- $5000 Standing Tall Award
- Awarded to individuals who are working hard to overcome significant personal challenges to achieve their dreams. 16 awards are available in 2012.
- $2000 Citizenship Award
- Awarded to individuals who are taking a leadership role in their communities while successfully balancing their academic and personal lives. 32 awards are available in 2012.
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NEW IMAGE COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS: Makeup artistry diploma scholarship
New Image College of Fine Arts would like to offer qualified applicants a $2,000.00 scholarship towards New Image'sMakeup Artistry Diploma program
This award is based on individual artistic abilities and career potential, as judged solely by New Image College personnel.
To be eligible for this scholarship, a candidate student:
- Must have maintained 80% or higher grade in the field of Creative Arts and/or Design Courses .Or have taken cosmetology or hair design in high school
- Must complete the New Image College application and registration process, which includes the following:
- An entrance essay of 500 words, describing the student's career goals and personal aspirations in the field of Make-up Artistry
- Submit a before and after Beauty photo of your work, either on yourself or a friend to New Image College of Fine Arts via Mail or Email.(info@newimage.ca)
- A Graduating 2012 student, when applying to New Image College of Fine Arts
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new image college of fine arts: film acting conservatory diploma scholarship
New Image College of Fine Arts would like to offer qualified applicants a $4,000.00 scholarship towards New Image's Film Acting Conservatory Diploma program.
This award is based on individual artistic abilities and career potential, as judged solely by New Image College personnel.
To be eligible for this scholarship, a candidate student:
- Must have maintained a 80% or higher grade in the field of drama and/or the performing arts
- Must have completed Drama 11 and Drama 12
- Must complete the New Image College application and registration process, which includes the following:
- An entrance essay of 500 words, describing the student's career goals and personal aspirations in the field of acting
- A taped scene audition in front of 3 or more New Image College of Fine Arts instructors
- A Graduating 2012 student , when applying to New Image College of Fine Arts
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BC school superintendents association: grade 12 essay scholarship
The Grade 12 Essay Scholarship provides financial assistance to BC public school students planning to pursue a teaching career.
One scholarship winner will be chosen among finalists from each of the BCSSA's six regional chapters by a committee of educators.
The winner will receive $1000, and the five finalists will receive $200 each.
In addition to submitting an essay (1000 words maximum), applicants must provide a transcript of grades and two letters of reference attesting to school/community leadership.
The Topic for the 2012 Grade 12 Essay Scholarship is "How would personalizing learning help students increase their success in school and later in their careers and life?"
Send your completed Essay and Application to:
Essay Scholarship
Suite 208, 1118 Homer Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 6L5
Download the Application here
Due date: April 10th 2012
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BC SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION: Grade 8 to 12 Technology scholarship
The Technology Scholarship recognizes outstanding achievement in technology-based learning.
The BCSSA and Apple Canada invite BC public school students in Grades 8-12 to design a website for an opportunity to receive a scholarship prize of an Apple MacBook.
There are MacBook awards, one in each of the grade-level entry categories: Grade 8-9, Grade 10-11 and Grade 12.
This year we would like students to design a website for a school or community group.
Please read the flyer for more details about the program.
Download the flyer here
Due date: April 10th 2012
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Burnaby Sports Hall of Fame
a Graduating Grade 12 student (BC Secondary school) showing evidence :
* High athletic ability and performance
* Demonstrate leadership
See Mr Kwan for application
Due date: April 16th 2012
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bc hockey scholarship
Scholarships are awarded annually to BC Hockey registered members to give recognition to those who develop their academic career aspirations while at the same time nourishing their interest in hockey.
Applications are available between January 15 and April 30 and reviewed by a selection committee.
Monetary awards vary from $500 to $1000.
To be eligible for a BC Hockey scholarship, an individual in his or her graduating year of high school and must be a current registered member or a former BC Hockey member playing in the Western Hockey League.
Applicants are evaluated on academic achievement, sportsmanship, hockey participation and / or quality of contribution, as well as school and community participation and service.
Download the Application here
Due date: April 30th 2012
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michael j fox visual and performing arts scholarship
Scholarship applicants must be graduating at the end of the current school year and be enrolled in an arts course in a Burnaby secondary school.
Applicants must demonstrate interest, dedication and aptitude in an arts discipline (e.g. dance, drama, music, visual arts, theatre, script writing, stagecraft, directing, media arts).
Scholarship funds are to be used to pursue study at a post-secondary institution in an arts or arts-related area.
Awards are based on the strength of the application and evidence of financial need.
The amount awarded to each individual may range from $1,000 to $5,000.
Applicants complete an application package, which is available from Mr. Kwan
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Rotary club of burnaby deer lake community leadership scholarship
The ROTARY CLUB OF BURNABY DEER LAKE is accepting applications for its Community Leadership Scholarships in the amount of $1000 each.
Up to 3 scholarships will be awarded to successful applicants.
For information, criteria and application form go to: www.rotaryburnabydeerlake.org
Review criteria and download forms from the Community Scholarships menu located on the left-hand side of the web page under "Site Pages" or see Mr. Kwan
Applications can be mailed to:
Rotary Club of Burnaby Deer Lake Box 63019 RPO Highgate Burnaby BC V5E 4J4
Due date: March 31st 2012
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Lifetime Eyecare: Service Hero Achievement Scholarship
$1000.00 scholarship to Gr12 with history of service or a strong and visible desire to serve others .
More Information is here
Applications arehere
Due date: Monday, April 30th 2012
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Garfield weston award
Attention all grads going to college (BCIT, DOUGLAS, EMILY CARR, LANGARA etc.) to pursue a diploma or applied degree!
This is the scholarship for you!
The National award is valued at up to $50,000, including a waiver, an $8000 annual stipend and summer opportunities.
Up to 25 awards are available! Selection Criteria
- passionate about his or her field of study;
- curious, courageous, and willing to try new things; &
- community-minded and truly interested in becoming involved and making a difference in society
- be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
- have completed or be presently completing secondary school diploma/credentials
- be entering his or her first-year of full-time college studies in the fall of 2011 leading to a diploma or applied degree (university transfer programs, and pre-university DEC studies are not eligible) in a program recognized as eligible by the college and the W. Garfield Weston Awards;
- be entering full-time college studies of at least 16 months in duration with a 100% full-time course load; &
- have a minimum average of 75% in courses required for his or her college program of choice.
APPLICATIONS at www.garfieldwestonawards.ca
Deadline: March 28, 2012
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gfnf is offering two $500 scholarships to entering post-secondary students who need financial help.
For application details, visit hereOpens in a new window.
Deadline: April 30, 2012
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value of the award is $ 500.00 Criteria:
- record of participation in volunteer activities in school or in the community
- letters of recommendation.
Download a full info package and application form hereOpens in a new window
Application deadline: Friday, February 24, 2012
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BCIC Young Innovator Scholarship Competition
information session at lunch, Thursday, January 12th in A213(Mr.Lee)
* NOTE: need a minimum of 10 students to participate and submit and Idea Mashup. One of those 10 students will win a $2000 schoolarship.
Student Eligible: Grade 11 or 12.
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an entrance scholarship of 2,500.00 will be available for first year of post secondary education.
visit hereOpens in a new window for more information.
Application deadline: March 15, 2012
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Scholarships valued at $32,000 each and includes a research assistantship position and mentorship by one of Guelph's leading professors.
- 8 President's Scholarships, 2 Lincoln Alexandr Scholarships, 2 Pamela Wallin Chancellor's Scholarships.
What You Need:
- application form
- a letter from the student applicant
- a biographical listing of the applicant's school and community engagement and leadership for the past three years
- two letters of reference
- an official transcript
Deadline: January 25, 2011
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three scholarships available, $700 each.
- high school student planning on pursuing post-secondary studies
- a new immigrant (max. of 1 year since arrival to Canada)
- a person in grade 12
please visit here.
Application deadline: January 13, 2012
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All scholarships require that you be a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Landed Immigrant. Students must start their program within one year of graduation.
Scholarship Awards:
- $1,0000- Sprott-Show Community College Excellence Scholarship
- Recognizes high school students with excellent academic performance and potential
- 2,500- Sprott-Show Community College Practical Nursing Scholarship
- Recognizes high school students with academic excellence along with passion and dedication to the health care field.
What to Submit:
- Application form
- 300 Word Essay
- Grade 12 transcript or diploma
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You must be Citizens of Canada or permanent residets of Canada in order to be qualify for this scholarship
What You Need to Apply:
- an overall grade average minimum of 87%
Deadline: March 1st, 2012
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UBC major Entrance scholarships
You must be nominated by Mr. Kwan in order to apply for this
To be eligible, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who excels academically and has demonstrated an ability to lead (directly or by example) in at least one of the following areas: artistic endeavours, original intellectual pursuits, community service, athletics, or school activities.
Application can be found here
Deadline: Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 4pm
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Burger King scholarship
There are a number of scholarships available for students who: are current Grade 12 students, or work for Burger King, or whose parents work for Burger King
- Have a cumulative high school grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale
- Students who demonstrate an active leadership role in community service, athletics, and/or similar co-curricular activity (such as student government, team sports, fraternal life, etc)
- Students who demonstrate substantial work experience
Awards Available:
- Three $50,000 James W. McLamore WHOPPER™ Scholarship Awards
- One (1) $25,000 "King" award
- Up to four (4) $5,000 Regional awards
- $1,000 awards
For more information, please see the websiteOpens in a new window
Deadline: Tuesday, January 10, 2012
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terry fox humanitarian award
The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award is "in recognition of having demonstrated the highest ideals and qualities of citizenship and humanitarian service while in pursuit of excellence in academic, amateur sport, fitness, health and voluntary community service. In so doing has reflected those ideals of courage, humanitarianism, service and compassion, which Terry Fox embodied"
The value of the award is $7,000 per year, paid directly to the institution in two installments of $3,500 each.
Who is Eligible
- Involvement in voluntary humanitarian work
- Canadian citizens or landed immigrants
- Maintain a satisfactory academic standing and continued involvement in voluntary humanitarian and community work
- Students are eligible to receive the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award until they have received their first university degree (for a maximum of four years), provided they have maintained a standard of humanitarian work and personal conduct which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, justifies the award
What You Need to Apply:
- One application form in Microsoft Word
- Three reference forms (or letters of reference)
- One Official Transcript (showing at least the past 2 years of schooling)
For More Information, please see the websiteOpens in a new window
Deadline: Wednesday February 1, 2012
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hockey scholarships
Are you currently playing Hockey, and would like to have an opportunity to be scouted, and possibly receive a scholarship?
Go to the following website, hereOpens in a new window, to sign up for an opportunity to be scouted
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Athletic Scholarships
Are you currently playing a sport, and are hoping to continue throughout Post-Secondary?
You can have an opportunity for a University Scout to come out and see you play, and receive a scholarship!
Go to the following website, hereOpens in a new window, to sign up for an opportunity to be scouted
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SFU major Entrance scholarships
A minimum average of 90% is required to apply for any of these scholarships at: students.sfu.ca/entrancescholarships/canadian.htmlOpens in a new window
- $34,000 Simon Fraser Scholarships (2 available)
- Recognize excellent academic performance and potential
- $29,000 Simon Fraser Alumni Leadership Scholarships (2 available)
- Recognize extraordinary leadership, community service, citizenship, and achievement of high academic standing
- $24,000 Gordon M. Shrum Scholarships (40 available)
- Recognize high academic standing and a commitment to school and community service, leadership, volunteer activity, the arts, or athletics
- $24,000 Shad Valley Shrum Scholarships (5 available)
- Specifically designed for alumni of the Shad Valley program
- These scholarships recognize high academic standing and a commitment to school and community service, leadership, volunteer activity, the arts, or athletics, and participation in the Shad Valley program
- $10,000 Tadeusz Specht Memorial Scholarship
- Recognizes academic excellence and is awarded to students pursuing studies in health-related sciences
- $7000 Dean's Scholarship in each Faculty (22 available)
- Dean's Scholarships are awarded within each of SFU's faculties to recognize academic achievement and potential in a particular area of study
Deadline: Tuesday February 28, 2012
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These scholarships do not require an application. All Canadian High School students are automatically considered for these scholarships.
- $20,000 Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation Entrance Scholarship in Business Administration (1 available)
- Recognizes a student of the highest academic standing admitted tot he Faculty of Business Administration
- $5000 Academic Excellence Scholarships
- Students with a minimum admission average of 95% will be considered for this scholarship
- $3500 Summit Scholarships and Kenneth Strand Scholarships
- Students with a minimum admission average of 91% will be considered for this scholarship
- $2000 to $4000 Jack Diamond Awards
- Our Senior Director of Athletics nominates candidates for this award
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SFU entrance awards
- $2000 Surrey Awards
- Recognize students who have demonstrated a commitment to their school and wider community and who have exhibited leadership
- Students must also apply to one of the programs being offered at our Surrey Campus
- Minimum admission average of 80% required
- $2000 Community Entrance Awards
- Recognize students who have demonstrated a commitment to school and/or community leadership, the contemporary arts or the sciences
- Minimum admission average of 80% is required
- $2500 Aboriginal Entrance Award
- Recognizes Canadian aboriginal, Metis and Inuit students entering University from High School who have a living connection to their aboriginal community
- Minimum admission average of 80% is required
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SFU Need-based AWARDS
- $25,000 Fairfax Bursary
- Recognizes students with a high financial need and excellent academic performance and potential
- Minimum admission average of 80% is required
- $5000 Lohn Foundation Entrance Award
- Recognize students with a demonstrated financial need and commitment to volunteer services
- Minimum admission average of 80% is required
- $5000 H.Y. Louie Entrance Award
- Recognize students with a demonstrated financial need and commitment to volunteer services
- Minimum admission average of 80% is required
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art institute (ai) best teen chef competition
As a first place winner at the school you select, you could earn a $4000 tuition scholarship
As a second place winner, you could earn a $1000 tuition scholarship
For more information (including rules, entry requirements, and school addresses) go to: artinstitutes.edu/BTCOpens in a new window
Deadline: Friday February 3, 2012
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ART INSTITUTE (AI) fashion scholarship
You could earn up to a half-tution scholarship to enroll in a fashion program at an Art Institutes school...PLUS a VIP trip to New York City, including
- A "meet and greet" at the Seventeen Magazine offices
- Lunch and a $500 shopping spree at DKNY with a Seventeen Style Pro
- A $500 gift card to shop anywhere in the Big Apple
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ART INSTITUTE (AI) storytellers photography competition
Send us six original photos, along with a 500-to-800-word artistic vision statement describing what you’re looking to communicate based on the theme Storytelling Through the Lens
For more information (including rules, entry requirements, and school addresses) go to: http://www.artinstitutes.edu/competitions/photography-storytellers.aspxOpens in a new window
Deadline: Friday March 2, 2012
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“You Can Create Tomorrow.” That’s the theme for this year’s Art Institutes and Americans for the Arts Poster Design Competition.
Capture what it means to you in an original poster design using drawing, painting, photography, or typography—whatever helps you realize your creative idea.
You don’t have to be a graphic designer with tons of experience. You just have to be interested in seeing how far your creativity can take you, so enter today.
Your creativity could help you earn a tuition scholarship.
For more information (including rules, entry requirements, and school addresses) go to: http://www.artinstitutes.edu/competitions/graphic-design-posters.aspxOpens in a new window
Deadline: Friday February 3, 2012
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2012 BCGEU Scholarship
BC Government and Service Employees' Union is offering $45000 in scholarship awards.
Visit www.bcgeu.caOpens in a new window, click "for members", "member programs", "scholarships".
Deadline: Wednesday February 29, 2012
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credit education week: essay writing contest
Credit Education Week Canada is inviting all Grade 12 students to submit a maximum of 1000 word essay on the following topic:
- What is the dumbest thing I've ever done with my money, and what did I learn from it?
25 Prizes to be WON!
- Grand Prize: $5000
- 3 Second Place Prizes: $3000 each
- 8 Third Place Prizes: $2500 each
- 13 Fouth Place Prizes: $1000 each
Please see the websiteOpens in a new window for more information
Deadline: October 21, 2011
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university of Toronto: National & arbor scholarship program
The National Scholarship will cover tuition and incidental fees for four years, will provide residence support in first year, and will include an additional, renewable monetary award.
Please see the websiteOpens in a new window for more information
Deadline: November 11, 2011
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TD Scholarships for community leadership
If you have shown commitment and leadership within your community, you may be eligible for a TD Scholarship for Community LeadershipOpens in a new window
Each Scholarship is valued at up to $70,000 and includes
- Up to $10,000 for tuition per year
- $7500 a year toward living expenses
- An offer of paid summer employment
- Mentorship Opportunities
- Invitations to annual gatherings, network opportunities & events
Who is Eligible?
- Students in their final year of High School
- Have demonstrated outstanding community leadership
- Obtain a minimum overall average of 75%
What You Need to Apply:
- A fully completed & Signed ApplicationOpens in a new window
- 3 copies of an essay up to 600 words by you describing the community leadership involvement that is the basis of the application
- 3 letters of support or confirmation from the community group, groups, or individuals who have been the focus of the student's involvement
- A letter of recommendation from your school
- A transcript of your academic record
- You may also include one or both of the following (but it is not required)
- 3 copies of an essay of up to 250 words describing your personal circumstances (family employment, economic situation, etc) or other extenuating circumstances that may be relevant to your application
- One essay of up to 250 words detailing your activities if you have taken a year or more away from High School
Deadline: October 31, 2011
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Bell mobility scholarship
Win a $1500 Scholarship, and all you have to do is fill out the application hereOpens in a new window