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Career Life Connections (CLC)

Ms. Kuang & Mr. Kwan are the CLC 11/12 Teachers, and have their own Career Life Connections BlogOpens in a new window with important information regarding anything that is required for Career Life Connections 11 & 12


Local: 604-296-6880
Room:  Career Programs Office (in Student Services)

Students Last Names: A to L




Local: 604-296-6880
Room:  Career Programs Office (in Student Services)

Students Last Names: M to Z


What is career life connections 11 & 12 (CLC)?

The Career Life Connections process begins in Career Life Education 10, and continues through Grades 11 & 12.  It is a Graduation Requirement

The purpose of this program is to prepare students for a successful transition to life after secondary school, by encouraging students to:

  • Take ownership of their own health and learning
  • Examine and demonstrate connections between their learning and their future
  • Create a plan for their growth and development as skilled, healthy, knowledgeable, participating citizens
  • Exhibit attributes of the BC Graduate