We are Moving! Library Service Changes

Current Library (Graphic Novels)

We are continuing to pack for the move to the new building (over Winter Break).  Please excuse our dust.

New Library Entrance

The last day for classes to use the library (except for classes displaced by the move) is December 12.  We will still be open in FLEX/Lunch/Afterschool and for Study block students during the day, but parts of the library may be closed for access and we may have fewer spaces to work than normal.  If we’re full when you arrive, you’ll need to find somewhere else to work.

Also, you will notice more and more bins filling up spaces in the library.  Please do not move them.  Thanks.

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For Library Club Shelvers

Hi Shelvers. Thanks for volunteering. Your job is the most complex of the library club groups, and there is some information you need to learn to do it. The booklet we gave you has some information, but we know lots of people like to get information from videos too.

Below are some videos to watch on how to shelve books.


Fiction (it’s mostly the same as for us, but ignore the part about ‘E’ on the call number, we don’t use that in High School library)

A couple more:

This one is on reading and sorting spine label numbers.

And this one explains the Dewey Decimal system for you (plus some extra info that’s specific to the library that made the video – ignore that part).

If that stressed you out (don’t worry, we don’t expect you to immediately know how to do everything perfectly), here’s some relaxing library fireplace ambience.

And because it’s October, here’s some spooky library music.


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Library Closures–Read the signs

A reminder that the Library is closed at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Other closures will be noted on the Library door.  Make sure you check the green closure schedule and read the signs that are posted before you plan your visit.

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Library Orientation

In September, all English 8 classes will be completing Library orientation.  Many other English classes will be coming for a refresher and book talks.  If you want to review our services and where we keep resources, you can view our Orientation presentation on Sway.

Also check out the FAQ.

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Our Library App is Live

You can now search the Library Catalogue and manage your library account from your phone in the dedicated Destiny Discover app.

While the Library is closed for exams, this can help you find the books you want so your visits during open hours can be efficient!

The app is available for:

  • iOS 13 and later
  • Android v6 and later

To download it, visit your device’s app store and search for “Destiny Discover.”

Complete information how to set-up the app is here: https://destinydiscoverhelp.follettsoftware.com/Content/Destiny%20Discover/Topics/DDApp.htm

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AP Exam Period–Library Hours

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Book Review–The Picture of Dorian Gray

A book review by Erick Chae

The Picture of Dorian Gray is one of the classics, set in early Victorian England. This novella follows the story of a man named Dorian Gray. He is a fine young man who is from an aristocratic background, but is always positioned with the lower classes. One day, Dorian receives a gift from one of his talented friends: Basil, who gives him a portrait of Dorian himself. Dorian takes pride in his portrait and gratefully receives the gift not knowing how the portrait is capable of changing his life.

This book deep dives into identity, youth, and insanity with various philosophical questions laid out. This novel has a gothic atmosphere with the environment of fear and dark supernatural forces. Throughout the story, Dorian transcends into madness, horror, and finally death which came from his actions. From sweet summer mornings to dark and grisly nightmares, I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about a character who deteriorates as the story goes further. This novella teaches us about the consequences of our own actions and how actually horrifying and influential they are to our health. This novella also teaches us about the dangers of having bad influential friends. We may convince ourselves that they are good, however, to other’s views, they might be awful. This novella is very short with only 288 pages and I would recommend this to people who enjoy short stories that have many meaningful concepts. 

I love how even though this novella was published over 130 years ago, we still learn from this outdated book. Oscar Wilde wrote in a letter that Dorian Gray is a character who he wants to become.

A fun fact about this author is that he knew Arthur Conan Doyle who was the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories.

Conan Doyle wrote of his first impressions of Wilde, noting “His conversation left an indelible impression upon my mind. He towered above us all, and yet had the art of seeming to be interested in all that we could say. He had a delicacy of feeling and tact, for the monologue man, however clever, can never be a gentleman at heart. He took as well as gave, but what he gave was unique.” (via Crime Reads)  He also defended Wilde’s writing against his critics.

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Questions about Sex? Bodies? Health? Relationships?

Find answers from the Library!  Check out our new catalogue collection about sexual health and education.  It includes books and online resources to support student learning about bodies/puberty, menstruation, sexual health & safety, healthy relationships, pregnancy/miscarriage/abortion, and the things people with bodies should know.

If we don’t have a resource on something you think we should have available, drop us a note or use the ‘Request a Book’ options .


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