Image from http://twitarded.blogspot.ca/
The time has come Viking Readers. Vikings Talk is finally discussing John Green’s A Fault in Our Stars on Wednesday, April 3 @ lunch in the library. Want to know what all the hype’s about? Check out this recent review from our catalogue:
“I cannot rave enough about this book, as it is one of the few that I have read (ever) that seems to be perfectly written. I don’t think there is a soul in the world that can say it was terrible and believe it. John Green’s writing is sarcastically comedic and immensely moving at the same time. The Fault In Our Stars deals with pretty weighty issues, such as life and death, but does so in a way that you won’t feel completely depressed about it afterward. The protagonist’s emotional journey throughout the novel is a profound, enlightening one, and makes her seem much older than she is. This aspect of the story makes it a perfect read for adults and young adults alike. It is a guarantee that while you are reading, you will either be laughing out loud or actually thinking about the words written on the page. Truly a classic just waiting to happen, John Green has delivered his best book yet.”
Let us know what you think. Do you agree with this reviewer? What did you think of A Fault in Our Stars?