New Books

The sun is shining (at least for today) and it’s beginning to feel like Spring.  Along with new life outside, there’s new life in the library in the form of new books.  The New Fiction stand is just inside the doors.  Check it over the next week or so as books are added to it.  Whether your tastes run to mystery, adventure, fantasy, science fiction, romance, or something different, there Read More …

Happy 200th P&P

Library Catalogue As anyone who is a fan of Jane Austen will tell you, P&P stands for Pride and Prejudice, probably her most well-known work.  Last week, on the 28th of January, the book turned 200 years old.  More popular than ever, Jane Austen’s books have been made into TV mini-series, movies, plays, and graphic novels.  They have also inspired many authors to re-write and/or write ‘sequels’ to the existing books. Read More …

Travel (even if you can’t get away)

If you’re like me, you like to get away and the farther, the better.  Ideally, my destination would be far enough that I had to get on a plane to get there.  If you are planning some overseas travel, drop by the library for books about countries around the world.  We also have travel guides to help you lessen your culture shock. While most of us are stuck here in Burnaby Read More …

Canadian Library Month

  October is Canadian Library Month.  Here in Burnaby, we have such great libraries.  For many of us, Cameron is our neighbourhood public library.  How many of you remember story time (Little, Middle, Big Bears) with Barbara?  And then, when you entered elementary school, finding out she had a last name too – Mrs. Fancy? And Burnaby School District is so supportive of school libraries.  We are one of the Read More …

Welcome Back

After a beautiful summer, here we are again.  The sun is still shining and I’d rather be out in it with a good book.  Oh well… It’s been great to see so many of you already.  I’m really looking forward to the coming year and all the great things that will take place here at Mountain and in the library.  Next month I will be rolling out the Kobo e-readers Read More …

It’s Summer!

 While the weather doesn’t feel it today, it is summer.  I hope you’re enjoying yourselves and getting some relaxing in.  One of my favourite ways to relax is with a great book, preferably a murder mystery. Mountain readers chose Malice and Room as their favourite Mountain Reads books for 2012.  If you didn’t get a chance to try either, the public library has copies to borrow.  Mountain Reads titles for 2013 Read More …

It’s June!!!

It’s June and there’s only 1 more week of classes.  Just to remind you (in case you’ve missed the announcements and the signs) – all library materials are now overdue.  Please return everything.  When you have cleared your account with Mrs. Williams or Mrs. Cox, there is a thank you treat. We who live in the Burnaby Mountain area are lucky – Cameron library is close by.  So drop by Read More …

New Books

        I’ve been shopping again.  I have the best job – I get to buy books for a living! You are all so lucky that Burnaby supports its school libraries so strongly.  New books in the library include a number of sequels.  Many of these are dystopia – so if you’re a Hunger Games fan, there’s definitely something new here for you.  The Rangers Apprentice series, by John Flanagan,  is now Read More …

What do you think about Mountain’s library?

It’s your turn to give us your thoughts and opinions about Burnaby Mountain library.  We want to serve you better – make sure you have the resources you need to complete assignments, to have the reading you want, and generally, to be a place you want to be.  Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.  The password is available from your English teacher or from the library.  And Read More …