
has arrived!
After maybe the longest ever summer, autumn arrived this week.  We’ve already had a few cool mornings, but the sun has been shining everyday and it’s usually been really warm walking home after school.  But now the rain has come, and with it, that cold to your bones feeling.  While I don’t like the cold, I do like woolly clothes.  And we really need the rain.  The changes we see in the climate are scary;  there are so many of them and they seem so extreme.
But there are things each of us can do.  Changes we can make in your own lives.  Small changes that can contribute to large ones.  Some reading that may inspire you to make changes:

Plastic-free : how I kicked the plastic habit and you can too
The vertical farm : feeding the world in the 21st century
No one is too small to make a difference
Regeneration : ending the climate crisis in one generation
The world’s poorest president speaks out : based on Uruguay president José Mujica’s 2012 speech to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
Groundswell : indigenous knowledge and a call to action for climate change

and finally, a title that I cling to:

Hope matters : why changing the way we think is critical to solving the environmental crisis

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