April Activities

Here are the April activities for all of the music classes! Choose 1 from the list below and submit to your music teacher. Your activity of choice will be due on April 30. Have fun!

Option 1: Rubber Chicken Mood

1. Watch Watch the following YouTube videos: Havana, Rubber Chicken https://youtu.be/Nqc8lK92K7E Rubber Chicken Mood https://youtu.be/uIfSoB-F2L8 2. Create Now it’s your turn! Can you make a short video or audio recording of a song, using a re-purposed household item as an instrument? 3. Reflect and Write what can we do to…

Option 2: Listen, Draw & Reflect

1. Listen Listen to all the songs on your playlist:  Primary Playlist (K-3): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVDEHAJQr9EuaQy8puuZOqY8vjVMUVptc Intermediate Playlist (4-7): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVDEHAJQr9EvE3CImjCdZtIrHdDQdxLD4    2. Draw Choose one of the songs to listen to again. Listen to the song and draw what you hear. That’s right, draw the music that you hear….

Option 3: Get Outside & Listen

The beginning of spring is one of the most beautiful times to get outside and listen to all of the different sounds around you! Whether you can go for a walk around your backyard or sit next to a window in your bedroom, take a…