Welcome back! It’s great to still have summer weather around as we ease into another year of discovery, exploration and thinking deeply.
You’ll notice that we have a PROJECTS IDEA button on the sidebar. This takes you to the Projects page where we’ve listed stories to spark ideas and opportunities to learn from your colleagues. These illustrations are from our Design Teams.
- Create a web presence where you can share your curriculum, thoughts on your assessment practices and what you believe, dialogue with students (giving them authentic practice in digital citizenship), inform parents. These can all be done using our sd41 class blogs. Click on FORMS/APPLY to get started on your journey.
- Use O365 to enhance and organize your lessons with your class (Secondary). Go to Learn Portal for resources to start your journey. (*Intermediates – stay tuned)
- Documenting learning – strengthen processes in communicating student learning. These support using a variety of tools to engage in reflective process. (*Interested in student blogfolios? Click on FORMS/APPLY to get started or to continue your journey.)
- Pop Up Make Writing Studio – The process of making creates inclusive opportunities for supporting voice and the writing process. This new flip merges writing with ADST, core competencies, communicating student learning and collaboration. Be prepared for fun and interactive parts.
- ADST – our multi centers kit with focus on core competencies are bookable for a term. Stay tuned for additional experiences with this curriculum.
- Check out our TOP SUGGESTED iPAD APPS for schools.
Other projects surface as the year progresses. Do you have a burning idea at your school that you would like to discuss? Contact us – we’re always available for a chat.