It’s almost November and there’s certainly a bite in the air – you know winter is just around the corner. Two of our larger projects got off the ground with a blast. ImagineerTech Team focuses on exploring the curriculum and ways to integrate learning technologies that include all students. The redesigned curriculum offers opportunities for rich conversations (eg. how we create environments that invite curiosity, wonder and questions, assessment as ongoing spirals of learning [for teacher and student], even the mundane how to achieve workflows that keep us sane). With each person accessing one of our district assigned laptops, it is quickly apparent that this is a key piece of technology that can be used to extend a teacher’s and thus a student’s learning.
Our sessions are written and published under our TEAMS > IMAGINEERTECH page – come and learn alongside us.
Communicating Learning via ePortfolios Team also flew out the door with gusto. Building on last year’s experiences, we started the year with 1500 portfolios across elementary and secondary. Teams focused on the conversation, laying the groundwork for making learning visible and adding to the vocabulary of articulating the learning process. In many ways, the process is the product. This can take many different forms depending on voice and choice: audio recording of students reading (pre/post with self reflection), audio speeches with a view of reflection/redo, capturing science processes or prototyping sessions, story writing and merging with Google Apps for Ed. personal thoughts on a topic, etc. As well, one would not get very far without understanding a bit of the structure of the eportfolio or blogfolio. The beauty of this platform is the ability to grow with the student’s ability to change the way they view themselves as learners and ultimately (possibly) share their voice on a global scale.
These sessions are written and published under our TEAMS > Communicating Learning via ePortfolios page – come and learn with us.
Our site houses many opportunities to explore the world of learning. Feel free to browse and/or email us with any questions or connections that you’ve made. Better yet, leave a comment here.