Oh, the places you’ll go...

Author: pereirad (Page 1 of 2)

THIS IS US 2025 

Finding Home

 Exhibition Date: May 5 – May 15, 2025

For this exhibition, participants (students, staff, and extended Central community) are invited to create an original artistic piece, such as an illustration, photograph, painting, or musical composition, that reflects their connection to the idea of home


“Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows  dark.”

— Pierce Brown, Golden Son


“You can have more than one home. You can carry your roots with you, and decide where they grow.”

— Henning Mankell


“I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.”

— Maya Angelou



Remembrance Day 2022

Lest We Forget: A Reframing of Remembrance Day Exhibit 


Remembrance Day often places the focus on the Caucasian males who fought or participated in the wars, with little attention paid to the diverse groups who contributed to Canada’s war efforts, and the millions of lives impacted by war beyond the frontlines. The intention of this exhibit is to reframe how we remember by adopting an equity-informed approach to Remembrance Day.   Expanding the way we celebrate Remembrance Day does not detract from those who are already highlighted by it. Instead, it makes room for those who have been erased, acknowledges the value contributed by all of Canada’s soldiers, and recognizes the horrific impacts of war for civilians.

We would like to extend a big thank you to the our Social Studies and Diversity Club students for learning about and helping to elevate the conversation around the diverse groups who have contributed to or have been impacted by War.  We would also like to thank the students in the Access Program for creating the beautiful display on the story of the poppy and creating the poppies for the display.  Lastly, we would like to thank the students from the Art department for the exquisite artwork that brought life to the stories .  A total of 14 classes contributed to the creation and success of this exhibit! Thank you Wildcats!


This is Us: The Spirit of Reciprocity – A Burnaby Central Exhibition (2022)

From the This is Us team, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated in this year’s This is Us: The Spirit of Reciprocity exhibition. 

This year’s exhibition was inspired by the writing of Indigenous author and botonist, Robin Wall Kimmerer.  In her work, Kimmerer speaks to the importance honouring our kinship with the living world through the spirit of reciprocity, where humans and the natural environment are mutually benefitting from giving and receiving from the other.   In her work, Kimmerer extends an invitation to readers to reflect on how we can begin to understand the earth as a gift  and to make our relations with the world sacred again.

Students who participated in this year’s exhibition embraced the challenging task of reflecting on their relationship with the environment in a time when the world needs protection.  They were vulnerable and authentic as they explored the powerful relationships they have with local plants, trees, birds, and land, to discoveries made during the pandemic.  Most importantly, at a time when we need it most, students expressed care, compassion, and love for our earth, revealing the spirit of reciprocity.

We are humbled and thank all who were involved for sharing their stories with our community.

It’s Sikh Heritage Month!

Canadian Sikhs to mark April as annual Sikh Heritage Month; Opening in  Ontario on April 1


April 1st marked the beginning of Sikh Heritage Month.  This is a time to commemorate, celebrate and educate ourselves on the many contributions of the Sikh community, including the pivotal role they play in both in Canadian history and in the communities across Canada.

Below is the official statement from Canada’s Minister of Housing, Diversity and Inclusion on Sikh Heritage Month.

OTTAWA, April 1, 2022

Today, Canadians across the country mark the beginning of Sikh Heritage Month. This is a great time for us to recognize the many past and current contributions of the Sikh community in making Canada the country that it is today.

Since the arrival of the first Sikh immigrants in the late 19th century, the Sikh community has helped make Canada a stronger country through its accomplishments in many different parts of our society.

Whether it’s politics, sciences, arts, business, or sports, the Sikh community has helped shape Canada’s cultural fabric. Our country is the proud home of more than 500,000 members of the Sikh community, making Canada home of one of the largest Sikh diasporas in the world.

The values of equality, selflessness, openness and compassion are the core principles of Sikhism, and these values will be highlighted during Vaisakhi later this month.  

As Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, I invite people across the country to celebrate the accomplishments of our fellow Sikh citizens both in April and throughout the year.

Have a great Sikh Heritage Month!

Burnaby Central Celebrates Black History Month

February 1st marked the beginning of Black History Month.  While we recognize that the realities of people of African descent must be reflected in school experiences all year long, the month of February affords us a special time for focused reflection on the lived experiences of Black people.

This year, the Social Studies Department and Diversity Club invited staff and students to participate in a community wide initiative celebrating Black culture and the significant contributions of people of African descent from across the globe.  This initiative was designed as an entry point to foster meaningful conversations about Black history.  Teachers and students alike appreciated learning about the purpose, importance, and history behind Black History Month, as well as about the challenges and accomplishments of historic and contemporary people of African descent.   Some students chose to give classroom presentations, some designed posters to display, and some created school-wide announcements in an effort to both educate themselves and their community.

Below we share some of the very important and meaningful work we are doing throughout the month of February and beyond to better educate ourselves and become better allies!


Black History Month (February)


This week marks the beginning of an important month for month for us, as we honour Black History month in our school community. During Black History month, we strive to recognize and celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians to help foster an understanding of Black Canadian experiences and to lay the foundation for the important conversations around the larger social prejudices that exist in Canadian society.

The Social Studies Department has re-opened the website that was created last year with variety of lessons and resources (with some new additions) to help engage our community in this critical dialogue, particularly in the times we are in.  We encourage everyone to explore the website/resources by going to the the Black History Month – February 2022 tab.

Black Excellence Day – Friday, January 14, 2022


Black Shirt Day and Black Excellence Day is  January 15th, but will be recognized by students in the Burnaby School District this Friday January 14.  This day is  meant to celebrate the rich contributions of Black people to our society and acknowledge the ongoing civil rights struggle and racism that Black and racialized people face.

Black Excellence Day was created by the Ninandotoo Society and the date was chosen in honour of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday which was January 15, 1929.

Staff and students are encouraged to wear black on this day!

Student Vote – Federal Election 2021

Express Entry Q2 2021: Canada breaks another record

Hello Wildcats!

With the upcoming 2021 Federal Election, this is the perfect opportunity for you to experience the democratic process first hand and practice the habits of being an informed and engaged citizen! Your voice matters!

This year, some of the key issues being discussed in the various party platforms include affordability, climate change, and Reconciliation. We as Canadians need to ensure that our voices are heard and there is no better platform to communicate this than by voting.  Let’s work together and create a positive change in Canada!

This year’s Student Vote at Burnaby Central will be in person with paper ballots.  Voting will take place on Monday, September 20th, during Period 2.

Click on the Student Vote 2021 tab above this page to learn more about the Federal Election candidates and the party platforms.

For the 215 children found in a mass grave at the former Tk’emlups Indian Residential School in BC, and for those yet to be found…

No photo description available.

When they buried the children

what they didn’t know,

they were lovingly embraced

by the Land;

Held and cradled in a mother’s heart

The trees wept for them, with the wind

they sang mourning songs their mother’s didn’t know to sing

bending branches to touch the earth

around them.  The Creator cried for them,

the tears falling like rain.


Mother Earth held them

until they could be found.

Now our voices sing the mourning songs.

With the Trees.  The Wind.  Light sacred fire.

Ensure they are never forgotten as we sing



~Abigail Echo-Hawk.


Gitxsan artist, Michelle Stoney, has designed a feather to honour and remember the 215 children found on the grounds of the former Tk’emlups Indian Residential School.

Michelle describes the significance of the feather and why she designed it the way she did as follows:

First of all, the feather represents so much in our culture.  Maybe too much to even explain, so I’ll just say what it means to me….To me, it means strength and healing.  We really value the feather and it means so much to us.  I know we use it for smudging, and to me that represents cleansing.

Inside the feather is the spirit of the 215 children.  The face on the bottom is not an animal.  That is how I draw people, and I wanted to make long flowing hair, that they (the children) were forced to cut.

And there is also a hand on top, kind of referencing the hand design I did last year. 

But really, this can mean something [different] to someone else.  I don’t want to force people what to think.  I just like it when people connect in their own way….


N’we Jinan Artists – “WE WON’T FORGET YOU”

Sk’elep School of Excellence, B.C.

Song written, recorded and filmed with students from Sk’elep School of Excellence in Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc, Kamloops, British Columbia.

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