Spanish 11

Spanish 11

Spanish 11


Brief Course Description:
It is expected that students will:
• describe or narrate events, situations and experiences
• exchange opinions on topics of general interest
• exchange information about plans related to future activities and give reasons for preferences
• interact in a variety of familiar situations drawn from real life
• appropriate Spanish language resources to complete authentic tasks
• convey acquired information in a variety of formats
• view, listen to and read creative works and respond to them in various ways
• examine the cultural impact of Spanish exploration in various regions of North America
• identify characteristics of customs and traditions in the Spanish-speaking world
• identify and demonstrate an understanding of similarities between cultures of the Spanish-speaking world and their own


Evaluation Guidelines:
In our language classes, evaluation is ongoing and it includes listening, speaking, reading, writing, communicative ability. It is done individually, with partners and in a group. Effort plays an important role in evaluation.


Enjoyments about this course:
Students who are successful in this course have a positive attitude towards the Spanish language and learning, are actively involved in class, do not mind memorizing and devote at least fifteen minutes each evening to home study.


What Careers Does this Course Prepare:
Learning a second language will benefit any student in any career or profession, especially in the metropolitan areas of Canada where there are people from all over the world. Furthermore, Spanish is beneficial for any student planning to work in Spanish-speaking countries including the United States.


Other Important Information:
Students with previous knowledge of Spanish who have never taken Spanish 9, but who wish to take Spanish must take a placement test before being enrolled in a Spanish class!

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