New Books

    There are many new books in the library. My personal favourite is Mail-Order Mysteries. This book takes me back to my comic reading days. Oh, how I wanted my own family of sea monkeys. I still remember them; mom had great hair. And the ad promised that they could be trained – and ads never lie. There were so many more great (mysterious) items waiting to be ordered.  This book Read More …

Freedom to Read

  Whether we call it Freedom to Read Week or Banned Books Week, it is important to consider the freedom we have here in Canada to choose what we want to read.  You are free to walk into any library or bookstore and read from any book you find there.  Unfortunately, this freedom is often under fire. Freedom to read can never be taken for granted.  Even in Canada, a Read More …

Burnaby Mountain Book Club

  Burnaby Mountain Book Club is reading From Bombs to Books: The remarkable stories of refugee children and their families at an exceptional Canadian school.  This book was written by David Starr, a principal here in Burnaby, about the students and families he has worked with, first at Byrne Creek, and now at Edmonds Community School.  I am especially enjoying it as I worked with many of these kids before coming Read More …

Hello Mountain!

Computers are available for you to use before and after school, as well as during break and lunch.  If you just want to sit and relax with a book, we have lots of comfy chairs and quiet reading spaces. Introduce yourself.  Make suggestions.  Get involved as a library monitor.  It’s your library.  See you soon!