Mountain Reads 2015 – Contest

[metaslider id=897] I know – it’s still 2014 for a few more weeks.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t be reading Mountain Reads 2015 titles.  We have 11 this year.  And lots of you are reading them.  I’m interested to hear what you think of them.  Leave a comment below to share with all our readers. When you’ve read one of the books, come to the library and fill out Read More …

New Favourite Author

It’s official – I have a new favourite author (at least in the world of YA fiction):  Marcus Sedgwick.  I started and finished the newest one in the library, ‘She Is Not Invisible‘ yesterday.  Obviously not a long or dense read, but I couldn’t put it down till it was finished.  Take a mystery, adventure, and physics and psychology, and combine them with great characters and New York City.  I Read More …

musings on the end of school

This afternoon will be the second round of Graduate Exit Interviews, taking place in the library.  Grade 12 students will be wandering the halls today dressed in interview-appropriate attire, looking almost like adults.  And in 2 1/2 weeks, they will have their School Leaving and graduation celebrations.  It feels that this year has flown by.  And yet, there are still AP exams, 6 weeks of classes, and then provincials to be Read More …

Happy Easter

I hope you all enjoy the coming long weekend.  It’s often a time for family gatherings and, of course, chocolate!  While you’re resting after the Easter egg hunt, pick up a book and relax.  There’s only 2 weeks left till Mountain Reads voting!  What is your favourite Mountain Reads this year?  There will be a draw for those who participate in voting – students and staff.


        As lots of you know, I am a Knitter (notice the capital ‘K’).  But so are many of you.  I am seeing and hearing about more and more of you – students as well as teachers – who are picking up the needles.  There is nothing like the feel of a really nice yarn and the feeling of accomplishment as you see your project take shape. Read More …


Welcome back to all of you.  I hope you had a great summer!  All that sunshine was fabulous and I miss it already.  At the very end of the summer, I was at a Jane Austen tea, during which we celebrated one of my favourite books, Pride & Prejudice.  After 200 years it’s as wonderful (and popular) as ever.  I should have shown this youtube video.  You’ve probably never seen Read More …

This is your library

The library belongs to all of you here at Burnaby Mountain.  Lots of you are here every day and more of you come through less regularly with classes or to check out books.  I know you have opinions about the space, about the resources, and about the atmosphere.  I would very much like you to share some of those opinions with me.  This survey was developed by students and is Read More …

Spring Break Reading

We’re just a couple of days from Spring Break(!) so it’s time to get in to the library and pick up some reading.  We have lots of new books.  The new fiction shelf is just inside the front doors, for easy access.  New non-fiction is on the end stack near the new class space.  And there’s still time to read 2013 Mountain Reads titles before voting in May.  So come visit Read More …

Freedom to Read

In Canada, we call it Freedom to Read; in the States, it’s Banned Books Week.  Regardless of what we call it, it’s about having the freedom to choose what we read.  We are blessed to live in a country that allows us to make decisions for ourselves.  Censorship is individuals or groups making decisions for other people, trying to curtail freedom of decision and thought.  Even in Canada, there are Read More …