Armchair Travel

The Radcliffe Camera, Bodleian Library, Oxford

If you were like me, your travel was greatly curtailed during Spring Break.  While I didn’t have a big trip planned, I hoped to visit a few places around here – Fibres West (a festival for all things fibre – and as a Knitter, I am a fibre fiend) in Langley, Granville Island, … downtown Vancouver.  Just days out.  But it didn’t happen.  The farthest I got was over to McGill branch of the public library on its last open day to stock up.
But there are other travel options, even when we are stuck in our homes.  The internet is a wonderful portal to all sorts of places.  So put on your virtual walking shoes and make your way to … you’re only limited by your imagination.
Being a librarian, and liking books way too much, I love libraries.  And there are some gorgeous, amazing, fabulous libraries out there.  If you are interested in books, archictecture, or just amazing interiors, try out this virtual library tour, guided by School Library Journal.
These are my pictures from visiting the Bodleian Library in Oxford, one of the libraries on the tour, and, incidentally, the Hogwarts library.  I wasn’t allowed, unfortunately to take pictures inside, so you can see more of it on this tour.
This was as far as I was allowed to take pictures inside – you only get past this spot if you have a library card or are on a paid tour.

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