Star Wars cont. …

While I haven’t got tickets for the opening night (are they doing a midnight showing?), I will definitely be heading out to see the new Star Wars movie in the first week.  I remember going to Star Wars – for the first one there was no need for an extra title.  I was 11 and my older sister took me.  It was unlike anything I’d ever seen.  By the time Return of the Jedi came out, I was graduating.  I went to a double feature of 4 and 5, and then a bunch of us went to see it the first day and the whole cinema cheered at the end.
I am a pretty big fan so to see Luke and Leia and Han again is really exciting.  But what to do while I wait (other than have a Star Wars-a-thon in preparation)?  How about read?  We have novels (The Jedi Academy Trilogy), information books (The Bounty Hunter Code, Star Wars Complete Vehicles), and the original trilogy re-written in Shakespearean language!  The Star Wars is a graphic novel based on the original rough-draft screenplay by George Lucas.
Check out the display cabinet outside the library for our Star Wars collection.  And may the Force be with you while you (and me) while we wait for December 18.

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