More Harry Potter

I have to admit, I am a big fan.  My oldest received The Philosopher’s Stone for his birthday when it was still pretty new, 20 years ago now(!).  I picked it up a few weeks later and was hooked.  I feel really lucky as I got to follow the story along with my kids.  Each new book’s release was looked forward to and then shared as we read them aloud together.  I continue to enjoy the books and movies.
Yesterday I told you about The Philosopher’s Stone being available in e-book for multiple readers.  But there are other ways to enjoy the world of Harry Potter when we’re all stuck at home.  Harry Potter at Home has all sorts of great stuff for fans to enjoy.  We all need entertainment and escape, especially right now.  Maybe since we can’t get to school we can go to Hogwarts instead?
Also, have you read (or written) your own Harry Potter fanfiction?  Maybe you might find some time to do one or the other, or both, now – there are lots of sites to find it.  A couple are:
Harry Potter Fanfiction

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