Summer, Survey, and Mountain Reads voting

I just spent the weekend in the Sunny Okanagan.  The weather was warm – at least on Sunday, and lots of flowers are in bloom.  We ate lunch outside in the sun and relaxed.  It got me thinking about summer coming and having time to read for pleasure.  To me, that is paradise.  What will you be reading this summer?  Drop by the display case outside of the library to get some ideas – light, fluffy entertainment for lazy summer days.

May is Mountain Reads voting time.  Last year you chose Hunger Games as Mountain’s favourite book.  Which is your favourite Mountain Reads book this year?  If you read at least 3 titles, come into the library to fill out a ballot.  There will be a draw from all ballots – prizes for students and staff.

Don’t forget to complete the library survey.  Your participation is like voting – you can’t complain about the state of the world (or in this case, the library) if you don’t let your voice be heard.  The password is available in the library.

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