الأسئلة المتداولة

سوالات اغلب پرسیده شده

Foire aux questions

Sık Sık Sevk Edinen



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Welcome Centre

Why am I here?

This assessment will let your child’s teacher know how much English your child knows.

What is ELL?

ELL stands for English language learning.

How long will it take for my child to become proficient in English?

On average, it can take up to 7 years.

Social language usually develops first and academic language usually takes longer to develop.

What is the difference between social and academic language?

Social language is the language we use every day when talking with family and friends.

Academic language is the language we use for reading and writing at school.

Why is it important to continue to speak my home language at home?

Having strong home language skills can help children learn another language like English. More importantly, keeping your home language will help your child connect with their culture and extended family.

What can I do to support my child’s English language learning at home?

You can support your child by continuing to speak your home language. Depending on your child’s age and English level, you may want to read dual-language books together. Beginner dual-language books can be found at www.storybookscanada.ca. The Burnaby Public Library also has a selection of dual-language books as well as books in multiple languages.

When will my child’s language proficiency be assessed again?

Your child will be assessed on an ongoing basis by their ELL teacher at the school. There is a formal assessment that happens at the end of each school year, usually between April – June. This assessment will happen at your child’s school during the regular school day.

What kinds of supports will my child get in school?

Your child will receive English language help from an ELL teacher at school. This help can be in-class or in small groups. The ELL teacher and classroom teacher may also work together to discuss ways to support your child.