Good morning, Lovelies!
If you’re here, you have remembered where to find the Library tab on our Clinton homepage. The usual Catalogue link and Web Resources link are there, but you’ll have noticed the new one…a blog!! It’s what I’m going to use to stay in touch with you and your families.
Remember when I wished you “Happy Mistakes” at the beginning of the year?? Well, here’s our chance! I’ve been making many happy mistakes as I learn about blogging and I’m challenging myself. The blog will grow and change as we figure out what is the best way to keep in touch and allow me to support you as you grow and change. Learning from home will give you a chance to learn and discover in a whole different way than we usually do at school. It’s more than OK to feel unsure and maybe a little overwhelmed…if you can’t figure it out yourself, just ask for help! Even though we’re a little further away from each other than usual, we’re all in this together!
I invite you all to check back here often and engage with me and the items that I’ll be posting. I am excited to have made my first post and connected with you…I miss you!!
Happy Mistakes!
Mrs. H.
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