Here is a great site to check out book trailers made by elementary school students and teacher-librarians.
Be sure to check out the book trailer for one of our battle books: Out of My Mind
Home of Book Beast Readers
Here is a great site to check out book trailers made by elementary school students and teacher-librarians.
Be sure to check out the book trailer for one of our battle books: Out of My Mind
Book trailers are like short advertisements for a book. They are trying to hook you into wanting to read the book, just like movie trailers try to interest you in the movie. Book trailers may include short excerpts (quotations) from the book and/or pictures. They can be for novels or picture books. They are often produced by the book’s publisher to promote the book so more people will buy it.
I like the idea of book trailers because it is another way for me to get you thinking about books and how technology and books can interact! Look for more book trailers to be posted on this blog in the future.
Here are some of my favourite book trailers: (These are from YouTube and yes, we have all of these books in our library)
The One and Only Ivan
A Tale Dark & Grimm
The Book Thief
The Graveyard Book
It’s a Book
Press Here
Ook and Gluk
What is your favourite book? What would you include in a book trailer about your favourite book?
Check out Pete the Cat’s newest book: “Pete the Cat Saves Christmas”.
This week some classes have been listening to this story in library. You can find this book and other books by Eric Litwin under ” E LIT” in the picture book section of our library.
Here is a link to the publisher’s website where you can listen to the book trailer, Pete the Cat songs, and check out Pete the Cat activities:
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