Home of Book Beast Readers

Book Beasts

To promote reading outside the school and help your child develop a reading habit, the Nelson Bookbeasts Reading Club will once again be running from October 1 through May 31.  Primary students (kindergarten – grade 3) are expected to read for a minimum of 15 minutes each day.  Intermediate students (grades 4 – 7) are expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes each day.

Students who read for 200 nights during this time period will have a book dedication with their name placed in a library book of their choice at the end of the school year.

For every day of reading that your child does at home, record the date on the Bookbeasts Record Sheet. Reading can be done independently (your child reading on his/her own).  He/she can also read together with others.  Your child can also listen to you read.  When your child has finished 50 nights of reading, please return the form to your child’s teacher.  He/she will then be given the next sheet.  There are four (4) forms in total.

Parents can participate in the reading experience by:

  1. Reinforcing the concept of respect for books and reading
  2. Ensuring that each child is responsible for returning borrowed books promptly and in good condition.
  3. Dating the Bookbeasts Record Sheet each night that reading has taken place and signing the sheet when 50 nights are completed.
  4. When handing in the sheet after 50 nights, remember the date of last entry so that the new sheet can be dated correctly and no nights of reading are missed!

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Roberts, the teacher-librarian.

If you lose your Book Beast sheet, you can print a new one using the links below (or use a scrap piece of paper-don’t forget: name, division, house colour AND dates of the days you read. Plus, have your parent sign it when you’re finished. Then, scan/photograph it, and email it to me.

50 nights

100 nights

150 nights

200 nights

250 nights


  1. Ella

    Mrs.Roberts I lost my Boone beast sheet and I was on my 150 nights, but I don’t remember the date

    • robertsh

      Hi Ella…what division are you in? We have a few Ella’s at our school I have the list at home and I will check for you.

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