Here is a great site to check out book trailers made by elementary school students and teacher-librarians.
Be sure to check out the book trailer for one of our battle books: Out of My Mind
Home of Book Beast Readers
Here is a great site to check out book trailers made by elementary school students and teacher-librarians.
Be sure to check out the book trailer for one of our battle books: Out of My Mind
Hope everyone had a wonderful spring break!
For all grade 6/7 students, Battle of the Books kicks off this week. The first battle is on Thursday at 1:00 in the gym. Get your questions sheets handed in to Mrs. Roberts ASAP. Also, don’t forget to finish your team flags for Thursday’s battle. Hope you are all looking forward to this year’s Battle as much as I am!
Attention all Grade 6/7 students!
Battle of the Books begins in March! A “battle kick-off” will happen in mid-March and there you will find out your teams and be told all about how Battle works. Until then, if you are interested in getting a head start on reading…here is the list. Note: all Nelson library copies of these books are unavailable. You will have to go to the public library or bookstore, if you want to start reading early
The List:
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