Home of Book Beast Readers

Month: January 2013

Biographies and Jacques Cousteau

Here is the website if you are interested in learning more about Jacques Cousteau:


His story and many other biographies are fascinating to read. I hope you will consider reading biographies (and other non-fiction books) from our library.

Remember that biographies are often shelved in the section with other books related to what the person does or is famous for. Example: a Wayne Gretzky biography would be with other hockey books in the sports (700s) section.


Book Trailers

Book trailers are like short advertisements for a book. They are trying to hook you into wanting to read the book, just like movie trailers try to interest you in the movie. Book trailers may include short excerpts (quotations) from the book and/or pictures. They can be for novels or picture books. They are often produced by the book’s publisher to promote the book so more people will buy it.

I like the idea of book trailers because it is another way for me to get you thinking about books and how technology and books can interact! Look for more book trailers to be posted on this blog in the future.

Here are some of my favourite book trailers: (These are from YouTube and yes, we have all of these books in our library)

The One and Only Ivan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtPdqV2crQ0

A Tale Dark & Grimm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiRVnkYcJ2I

The Book Thief http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95s8GlKY40o

Shiver http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25f8bZCG8nQ

The Graveyard Book http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_UUVwTaemk

It’s a Book http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4BK_2VULCU

Press Here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj81KC-Gm64

Ook and Gluk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql2qvbt_-ew

What is your favourite book? What would you include in a book trailer about your favourite book?

Book Beast prizes

Happy New Year!

The 50 Night Book Beast prizes have arrived! Thank you to everyone for being patient. You will receive your new book bag during your library class this week.

Tomorrow is the first day that you can hand in your 100 night sheets. I look forward to seeing who will hand their sheet in first! Keep on reading 🙂