Stoney Creek will be celebrating Literacy Week next week January 23rd-27th. Check out the flyer below to see what exciting events we have in store:
What’s Happening
Happy Lunar New Year!
Many families will be celebrating Lunar New Year this weekend. We have lots of books about Lunar New Year in our library. You can search for them in our catalogue by clicking the link at the very top of the page and this week they will be out on display for you to check out.
Because this year will be the Year of the Rabbit, we have books that feature rabbits out on display as well. One of my favourites is The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams because I have a favourite stuffed bunny just like the boy in the story!
We just added a brand new Lunar New Year book to our collection! The Tray of Togetherness by Flo Leung shows a family preparing for their New Year party by filling a special candy box for their guests. Each of the eight lucky snacks in the Tray has an auspicious meaning: peanuts for a long life, pistachios for happiness, candied coconut for strong family ties… The illustrations look good enough to eat! I will be sharing this book with primary classes this week.
Library Monitors
There is always lots of work to be done in the library! Starting this month, Grade 6/7 student volunteers will be coming to the library at recess to help as library monitors. These students have completed training and will be helping to shelve books, keep the library tidy, and create displays. I am so grateful for their willingness to volunteer their time to help! The schedule for library monitors will be posted outside the library.
Welcome to the Reading Cafe
On Thursday, Division 4 came into the library for a book tasting. No, that doesn’t mean we were licking the fiction section! A book tasting is when you sample a variety of different books to try to find something that interests you and is at your “just right” level. In order to “taste” a book you should look at the front cover, read the blurb on the back or inside flap, and read the first few pages.
The menu on Thursday was a feast of novels which are set in different times and under different systems of government. Through these novels, Division 4 will be exploring the Big Idea “Systems of government vary in their respect for human rights and freedoms.” As they tasted, students were asked to write down what they did and did not like about the book. Next week, they will be put in groups based on the books they chose.
Over the next few weeks, the groups will be reading their books together and meeting for weekly literature circle discussions where they can talk about their reading.
Is there any food better than a good book?
New Year, New Blog!
Hello Stoney Creek Community! Welcome to the new blog for Stoney Creek Library! Check here for what’s happening in our library, special events, book reviews and more!
Orange Shirt Day
Our school observed Orange Shirt Day on Wednesday, September 30th.
We are fortunate to have so many Indigenous authors and illustrators with published books so that we may learn about Indigenous culture and ways of knowing, residential schools and their impact, and ways in which we can come together in reconciliation.
Shi-shi-etko, by Nicola I. Campbell, inspired Ms. McQueen’s class to connect with nature and usecottonwood leaves to create heart-shaped rubbings for Orange Shirt Day. We explored the significance of the land in the story which connects Shi-shi-etko to her family, her traditions, and her culture. Please read more about this beautiful, powerful story here.
International Dot Day – September 15ish
Welcome to another school year! While it is a very different start than what we are used to, our ability to share in the joy and wonder of reading never changes!
In recent years, a fun and enjoyable way to begin the school year is for me to read Peter H. Reynold’s book, The Dot to classes. This is the story of a young girl who is struggling with her art and her confidence. The theme of the book is to make your mark and see where it takes you. This year I am teaching one day a week in Ms. McQueen’s class, so we celebrated Dot Day on September 15th by exploring with dot painting, nature mandalas, patterning, the 3D Quiver app, and made links to Metis art. In connection to the book, we wondered, “How can we leave a positive mark on our school community this year?”.
Enjoy this video from Peter H. Reynolds and Happy Belated Dot Day!
Social Justice and Black Lives Matter virtual library
This document was created by a group of educators to develop awareness of diversity, human rights, and inclusion in connection with the Black Lives Matter movement. Thank you to Mrs. Martone for sharing this resource. When you go to the document, click on a book to listen to the story.
Burnaby Public Library Summer Reading Club
This year the Burnaby Public Library is moving their Summer Reading Club online. Visit their website here to find out how to sign up! You can also find a list of book recommendations here and you can still borrow books using their paper back pickup service.
For our Grade 7 students, the Teen Reading Club is also available. Find out more by clicking on the image below.
I know this summer will be different than we are used to, but we can all still enjoy reading and spending time with stories! Happy Summer Reading!
Hair Love
Today we have a beautiful story that celebrates love and father-daughter relationships. Zuri has hair that has a mind of its own and as hard as she tries, she just cannot get it to do what she wants. It’s up to her dad to help give her the hairstyle she wants!
Watch the animated short film that won an Oscar award, which is a special award given to outstanding work in movies. Then click on the book cover image to listen to the story read aloud.