Monthly Archives: May 2022

Jeff Chiba Stearns presents his books and gives drawing workshop

Author and illustrator Jeff Chiba Stearns came to École Sperling Elementary on Friday, May 20th. He presented his books Mixed Critters, Nori and his delicious dreams, and On being Yukiko to classes and he demonstrated how to draw people and animals. Students enjoyed learning to draw using his techniques! Jeff is a truly talented author and illustrator. You will find his books in our school library later this week.

Reading Day will be on May 20th!

This year I am excited to welcome children’s author Jeff Chiba Stearns who will read excerpts from his three books: Mixed critters, Nori and his delicious dreams, and On being Yukiko. He will incorporate drawing workshops into his presentations for several lucky classes on Reading Day. Each class will be doing reading-related activities all day so students will need to bring lots of books from home. Students can wear pajamas or dress up as their favourite character from a book on May 20th if they choose.

Battle of the Books North Zone Final Event

This year 12 teams from Divisions 1-4 competed in the Battle of the Books program to promote reading. Students read a total of 10 novels collectively as a team, and pitted their knowledge against the other teams each week from Spring Break to the beginning of May. Team 9, the Kool Kids, earned the most points at our school and they went on to win 3rd place in the North Zone Final. Congratulations to all the participants!