Relationships & Communications – February – Digital Literacy & Citizenship

Relationships & Communications – February

| Posted in Lessons & Events, Relationships & Communication, Themes

Relationships are built on our understandings of values and beliefs (valuesbeliefsfamily, community, cultural community, school). These values impact our behaviours and actions.

During the month of February, our Digital Citizenship focus is on Relationships and Communication. This beginning lesson explores the idea of friendship as part of relationships and offers opportunities to extend into other units of study. Click here to download the lesson in pdf.  You will also find other resources at Common Sense Media (link on sidebar), Media Smarts.

We’re spreading the news through social media. If you’re on Twitter, use the hashtag #sd41digicit to share your story. If you or your class is blogging, use it to tell your journey. Your school website is another place to share. Your voices are important.



Getting to Know the Apps your Kids are Using!

snapchat_img2Read the online article, What Parents Need to Know About Snapchat.   Author: Ashley MacQuarrie

Questions to think about.

  1. Why is this tool popular among children?
  2. What are the potential issues using this app?
  3. If your child uses this app, what are some good practices and expectations you have around its use.

Talk to your child(ren).

What are some things they can do to safeguard themselves?  Empower them to make good decisions about what they post and the digital footprint they leave.

More Apps your kids are using coming in the following weeks.  Stay Tuned.

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