TD Canada Trust Scholarships for Community Leadership

TD Canada Trust Scholarships for Community Leadership:

For over two decades, young people across Canada have consistently gone above and beyond to make their community — and our world — a better place. That definitely deserves recognition.

What are the TD Scholarships?

Twenty TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are awarded to students in their last year of high school or CEGEP (in Quebec) who have demonstrated leadership in improving their community. Each scholarship has a value of up to $70,000 and includes:
  • Up to $10,000 for tuition per year (for up to a maximum of four years)
  • $7,500 a year for living expenses (for up to a maximum of four years)

Helping you build connections

But that’s not all. These scholarships also help you make connections that could last a lifetime, including:
  • Offers of paid summer employment
  • Mentorship opportunities
  • Annual gatherings, networking opportunities and more

Two easy ways to apply

TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are open to students across Canada who are in their final year of high school or CEGEP (in Quebec); have a minimum overall grade average of 75% in their most recently completed school year and have demonstrated community leadership.

  1. Apply online› and mail all of your supporting documents
  1. Download your application here. Print and mail your completed application with your supporting documents.
Include all of your supporting documents and ensure that your application is received by November 18, 2016. All applications and correspondence should be registered to:
Universities Canada
Ref: TD Scholarships for Community Leadership
350 Albert Street, Suite 1710
Ottawa, ON K1R 1B1
Here’s more about the application process:
You can apply directly online using our digital application form, or print your application and mail it to us by the application deadline. As well, we require:
1. 600-word essay describing your community leadership experience. Tell us:
  • Why you got involved.
  • How your involvement shows initiative and innovation.
  • The ways your efforts have strengthened others.
  • How long you have been involved.
  • What you think the long-term impact will be.
  • How your community has affected you.
  • In addition, include a brief description of the range of your other community activities.
2. A letter of recommendation from your school.
3. Two letters of support from community groups.
4. Your academic transcript.
5. You also have the option of including:
  • A 250-word essay (three copies) describing your family and personal life, for example your family’s employment or economic situation.
  • A 250-word essay about your life experiences if you have taken a year or more away from high school or CEGEP.

What is “community leadership”?

We’re interested in hearing from students who have demonstrated consistent and outstanding dedication to solving a community problem or making their community a better place. For example, you may be cleaning up the environment, promoting social justice, or fighting child poverty. Check out what some of the past scholarship recipients have done to improve their community.

How are the winners chosen?

We carefully review all applications, taking into consideration not only each applicant’s contributions to the community but also their personal circumstances and any special challenges they may have faced along the way.
We then select up to 80 finalists from across five regions:
  • Atlantic Canada
  • Quebec
  • Ontario
  • Prairie Provinces/Northwest Territories/Nunavut
  • British Columbia/Yukon
Regional selection panels (made up of prominent community members) then interview the finalists. Each region will have at least two scholarship recipients and 20 scholarships will be awarded across Canada (provided there are qualified applicants)

Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship

Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship

Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship

The Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship is awarded to 20 outstanding high school graduates who have demonstrated a commitment and aptitude for a career path in K-12 teaching. Winners receive a $5000 scholarship voucher to redeem when they are registered and attending an approved K-12 teacher education program at one of BC’s nine Faculties of Education.


  1. Complete the application package (PDF), including the written statement worth 60% overall, and the resume worth 40% overall. It must be completed online using the mandatory format, printed, signed, and submitted by mail. Scoring guides (PDF) are available for reference. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  2. Completed applications must be submitted to the Ministry no later than February 15, 2017, to:

    Provincial Scholarships Program
    Ministry of Education
    PO Box 9886 Stn Prov Govt
    Victoria BC  V8W 9T6

Selection of winners will be finalized after August 31, 2017
Applicants must:
  • Meet basic eligibility requirements
  • Be in your graduation year with graduation to occur by August 31 of the school year in which you apply
  • Be eligible for a B.C. Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma) and fulfill graduation requirements of the 2004 Graduation Program by August 31, 2017
  • Have at least a:
    • “B” (73% or above) in your Language Arts 11 final mark
    • “B” average in final course marks that fulfill graduation requirements of Science 11 or 12, Math 11 and Social Studies 11 or 12, with no more than one “C+” (67% or above) final course mark, (marks lower than “C+” are not accepted)
  • Maintain a “B” average or better in Grades 11 and 12 final course marks required for graduation
  • Write and pass a Language Arts 12 provincial examination
You cannot win both a Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship and a BC Excellence Scholarship.
Your application package must include:
  • Resume in the mandatory format
  • Two reference letters, one from your community and one from your school
  • A written statement, maximum 500 words, which describes why you want to be a teacher
Winners must redeem their vouchers within 7 years of their high school graduation. The expiry dates are shown on the vouchers. When redeeming, winners must provide a letter from their Faculty of Education confirming their enrolment in the K-12 teacher education program.
Schools will be notified in June if there is a conditional winner from their school. Winners will be notified directly in September when eligibility is confirmed.

Collection of Personal Information

For the purpose of processing Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarships, students’ personal information will be collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 26(c).  Students’ personal information is used for the purpose of verifying eligibility, selecting successful candidates, and processing the scholarship payment.
Questions regarding the collection of personal information can be emailed to the Ministry of Education contact listed below:
Nicole Couture, Director
Education Program Delivery
PO Box 9886 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC  V8W 9T6

BC Excellence Scholarships

BC Excellence Scholarships

BC Excellence Scholarships

There are 55 BC Excellence Scholarships available to recognize well-rounded B.C. graduates. Winners will have demonstrated service and leadership, both at school and in their communities, and shown aptitude and commitment to their chosen career paths. They will receive a $5000 scholarship voucher to use for post-secondary tuition.

Nomination and Application

  1. Students must be nominated by their secondary school in order to apply for this scholarship. Only one student from each school may be nominated. Please inquire with Ms. Falsetto in B110 if you would like to be considered for nomination. Students must confirm their nomination by having their school principal sign and date the verification section of the application form.
  2. The application package (PDF), includes a written statement worth 60% overall, and the resume worth 40% overall.  It must be completed online in the mandatory format, printed, signed, and submitted by mail. Scoring guides (PDF) are available for reference. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  3. Completed applications must be sent to the Ministry by the School no later than February 15, 2017.
Nominees must:
  • Meet basic eligibility requirements
  • Be in their graduation year with graduation to occur by August 31 of the school year in which they are nominated
  • Be eligible for a B.C. Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma) and fulfill graduation requirements of the 2004 Graduation Program by August 31, 2017
  • Have at least a:
    • “B” (73% or above) in their Language Arts 11 final mark
    • “B” average in final course marks that fulfill graduation requirements of Science 11 or 12, Math 11 and Social Studies 11 or 12, with no more than one “C+” (67% or above) final course mark, (marks lower than “C+” are not accepted)
  • Maintain a “B” average or better in Grades 11 and 12 final course marks required for graduation
  • Write and pass a Language Arts 12 provincial examination
You cannot win both a BC Excellence Scholarship and a Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship.
Nominees’ application package (PDF) must include:
  • Resume in the mandatory format
  • Two reference letters, one from your community and one from your school
  • A written statement, maximum 500 words, which must describe:
    • What led you to your most relevant community service, volunteer activity, and/or leadership role, and
    • What you learned from this experience, and
    • How this experience will benefit you in your chosen career path.
Schools will be notified in June if their nominee is a conditional winner. Winners will be notified directly in September when eligibility is confirmed. They must redeem their voucher within 5 years of graduation. Expiry dates are shown on the vouchers.

SHAD Valley Internship Opportunity

SHAD Valley Internship

SHAD is a registered Canadian charity that empowers exceptional high school students – at a pivotal point in their education – to recognize their own capabilities and envision their extraordinary potential as tomorrow’s leaders and change makers. Each year, SHAD provides the opportunity for 700+ students from across Canada and internationally to attend a month-long summer program, in-residence at one of our Canadian host universities, focused on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts & math). There are currently more than 15,500 SHAD alumni including 30 Rhodes Scholars, Top 40 Under 40 & Top 20 Under 20 award recipients, and many other accomplished professionals, all sharing the transformational SHAD experience and able to leverage their SHAD network for life. Founded in 1980, SHAD is based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Students selected through the rigorous, competitive process for places in the summer program are top performers who are also well-rounded emerging leaders demonstrating initiative, creativity and flair. They are leaders in their schools, volunteers in their communities, and are often gifted musicians, artists and athletes.
Unique Challenges and Rewards
Each of our SHAD campuses offers an immersive program of lectures, workshops, projects and activities. Inside and outside the classroom, SHAD builds on the STEAM foundation, introducing participants to a multi-disciplinary program that offers unique experiences and a new way of understanding the world. Speakers include university professors, business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators, inspiring students to set aspirational goals.
SHAD campuses build their programming around a theme of national significance, which changes each year and is released the first week of each annual session. Participants are challenged with a big, complex issue and are asked to find bold solutions, working together with their peers to bring their ideas to life. Success comes from figuring things out together and learning from fellow students. Winning projects are selected per campus to advance to national judging. The results of the competition are announced during the SHAD – John Dobson Entrepreneurship Cup Awards held each fall.
See Ms. Falsetto if you have any questions or apply online at

UBC Major Entrance Scholarship Information

The application deadline to be considered for early admission for the 2017 Winter Session is December 1, 2016.
The final application deadline for the 2017 Winter Session is January 15, 2017.
UBC requires a Personal Profile. The Personal Profile is used to assess a student’s preparedness for university. Applicants are asked to reflect on past experiences, accomplishments, and challenges by answering five to seven questions. Read UBC’s advice and watch this video on how to put forth a strong Personal Profile.
Undergraduate entrance scholarships
The Major Entrance Scholarship program recognizes exceptional students for their academic and non-academic achievements by offering awards valued up to $40,000. Students who apply by December 1 will be automatically considered for this award.
The Centennial Scholars Entrance Award is designed to improve access to post-secondary education for students facing significant financial barriers. This award is valued up to $80,000 and requires a separate application. Deadline to apply is December 1. 
A number of Major Entrance Scholarships and Centennial Scholars Entrance Awards are designated specifically for Aboriginal students. Applicants can self-identify as Aboriginal in their application to UBC.
International undergraduate entrance scholarships
UBC also recognizes the achievements of outstanding students from around the world by devoting non-public funds to scholarships and awards for international students.
Tuition waiver for youth in care
UBC is now offering a tuition waiver for eligible youth aging out of care. Students can identify as a youth in care in their application to UBC.

Scholarship-Writing Workshop by former Byrne Grad, this Tuesday in A205

Get tips and tricks from our former grad, Raphaella, on how to maximize the amount of money you can get in scholarships!  Bring sample applications with you or just come to get suggestions.  There are lots of scholarships that are due in October and November… get a head-start and come to this workshop.

See Ms. Falsetto if you have questions.



Conference and workshops for students interested in a medical career

Are you interested in a medical career?

MedConnect is organizing a one-day conference on Saturday, November 19th at SFU (Burnaby campus).  Becoming a physician is a common career of interest for high school students, and many students seek information about this. Through lectures from physicians of varying specialties, hands on professional workshops from health professionals, and a panel of medical students, MedConnect hopes to inspire and educate the next generation of health professionals into their future endeavors. This day-long conference is being organized by an experienced team of undergraduate and medical students with direct experience into the medical school application process and the health field.

Brief overview of what MedConnect offers to students:
– 4 lectures from physicians of different specialties
– 2 workshops to inspire and immerse students in the medical world 
– A panel of current UBC medical students from each medical school year, and connections to other health fields, such as nursing.
– A specially crafted MedConnect package, featuring custom resources from the MedConnect team, keynote speakers, and sponsors to give you a competitive edge and boost of inspiration on the pathway to medicine

There is a $10 fee and registration is required.

See Ms. Falsetto with any questions. The link is below:

TD Canada Trust Scholarship for Community Leadership

The TD Canada Trust Scholarship awards students who are making a difference to make communities stronger. Scholarships are up to $70,000.  With all the community work you do at Byrne Creek, we’re confident we have exceptional applicants!

You won’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket.

Deadline is November 18, 2016.