Vancouver Film School Scholarships: First come, first serve. Apply now!

Vancouver Film School Scholarships:

Scholarships are available in amounts between $1,000 and $10,000 for the January to June 2017 start dates in: animation, acting, film production, sound, programming, game and digital design

Apply now for a one-year VFS program in Vancouver, Canada, and find out if you qualify for our limited-time scholarship fund that will help you get to the next level of your entertainment arts career dreams. VFS Next Level Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis – so, the sooner you apply, the better your chances.

Click HERE for more info.

Start your online application HERE.


Adventures in Film Camp – Powell River Film Festival. Deadline to apply is December 9th

Deadline to apply: Friday, December 9th, 2016

The Adventures in Film Camp is part of the Powell River Film Festival specifically designed for young filmmakers. During the day, participants learn from pro media artists, attend interesting seminars by established directors, filmmakers and media experts, gain hands-on, practical experience making videos or animation, and have the opportunity to collaborate with and be inspired by other young filmmakers. In the evenings, participants have the opportunity to enjoy and analyze the Festival films, and socialize with media-savvy Festival attendees and industry people at the receptions.

Participants leave the camp with the full experience of video production, including teamwork and troubleshooting, have a short film for their demo reel, and friendships that may well develop into further film making collaborations. The camp is fast-paced and fun, and our past participants have been thrilled with the outcome!

Please see Ms. Falsetto asap if you are interested.

Application here: rotary-adventures-in-film

Scholarship for Rugby Players – deadline February 28th, 2017

Click HERE for detailed info

This scholarship (up to $2500) is for rugby players to assist in their post-secondary career education.

  1. Qualifying Criteria – To qualify for scholarship all of the following must be met:
    1. The applicant must be enrolled or have been accepted to an accredited post-secondary educational institution, and demonstrate his/her intention to pursue full time studies. “Post-secondary” includes trade school or other specialized education as determined by Committee.
    2. The applicant must be a rugby player who has played for the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club (“BCRC”) in the past or is registered to play for the BLRC in the upcoming season.
    3. Men and women are eligible to apply; there is no age criteria.
    4. The applicant must have demonstrated a commitment to the rugby community and/or the community at large through volunteer commitment and effort.


  1. Strengthening Criteria – Preference may be given to applications with some or all of the following criteria as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion. (In order for such criteria to be considered by the Committee, the applicant must submit a concise – maximum 500 words – written account of his/her purportedly meeting these criteria):
  1. The applicant can demonstrate significant financial need.
  2. The applicant has volunteered as a youth coach in a BC high school, or for BLRC.
  3. The applicant has volunteered in his/her community in another capacity.
  4. The applicant has demonstrated a high level of athletic skill, potential, and personal discipline in developing his/her rugby playing ability.
  5. The applicant is a former BLRC junior player, or Burnaby High School rugby player.
  6. The applicant has displayed the values of honesty, hard work, commitment, fair play, sportsmanship, and leadership in playing of rugby or in conduct of his/her day to day life.
  • Conditional Criteria – The scholarship may be awarded to an applicant on a conditional basis at the sole discretion of the Scholarship Committee. One or more of the following conditional criteria may apply to the applicant, and a guarantee from the applicant to fulfill the criteria will be required before awarding part or all of the scholarship:
  1. The applicant must coach youth rugby at BLRC feeder high school or for BLRC youth program.
  2. The applicant must perform other volunteer labour for the BLRC to assist in the administration of the club or in its mission to promote the sport of rugby.david-milne-rugby


Q&A Panel Discussion with Byrne Creek Alumni: Wed. Nov.30 during tutorial in Centre for Dialogue

We will have about 8 Byrne Creek Alumni on Wednesday, November 30 during tutorial (8:50-9:50am) in the Centre for Dialogue to answer your burning questions about post-secondary life.  We have people representing Douglas College, UBC, SFU, and BCIT Nursing.  These are the types of questions that will guide the discussion:

– How did you know what to major in?  What can you do if you change your mind?
– Can you describe the setting at school? What were the classes like?
– Pros and cons of college first versus straight to university
– What are some tools you used for stress management, balancing social and school life, and study skills you used? Advice…

– What was your experience with student loans and/or working part-time while taking a full course load?
– How do/did you choose a career that was right for you?
– How do/did you find/get your job?
– What did you consider when choosing your career?

This panel discussion will be open to questions from the audience.  Remember, Post Secondary Institution applications are due soon.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Ms. Falsetto

Society of Punjabi Engineers and Technologists of BC: 5-$1000 Scholarships. Deadline is January 3, 2017.

Application form HERE.


  • ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP – a high school student (grade 12) or recent graduate (within 2 years) planning on pursuing post-secondary studies upon graduation in an engineering or technology related field of study at a recognized university, college, or technical school in BC
  • POST SECONDARY SCHOLARSHIP – a post-secondary student enrolled in an engineering or technology related field of study at a recognized university, college, or technical school in BC
  • WOMAN IN ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIP – a woman student enrolled in an engineering or technology related field of study at a recognized university, college, or technical school in BC
  • NEW IMMIGRANT SCHOLARSHIP – a new immigrant (max. of 2 years since arrival in Canada) pursuing post-secondary studies in an engineering or technology related field of study at a recognized university, college, or technical school in BC
  • INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP – an international student studying in Canada with a valid Student Visa enrolled in or pursuing an engineering or technology related field of study at a recognized university, college, or technical school in BC


Please submit your completed application via email to:

If you have any questions or queries you may also send those to the email noted above.
Please note that applications MUST be received before the application deadline:

Tuesday, 3rd January, 2017

More information HERE.

B. David Scholarship

“B. Davis Scholarship”


The creators of the “Student Award Search Aid” website are offering a scholarship for 2017.


Please visit our website at to read about us and to apply for our scholarship.  While you’re there, please browse through the rest of the site to learn more about applying for scholarships.


Our website was developed solely for the purpose of helping students locate and apply for scholarships.  We are trying to improve the students’ chances for success.  The site is free and we charge nothing for the information or the application.


The deadline for applications is May 22, 2017


Amount of Scholarship:  $1,000


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
If you do not wish to receive further notices, please reply to this message and type “unsubscribe” in the subject line or in the body of the mail.


Jason Rumeacher

Schulich Leader Scholarships for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

Schulich Leader Scholarships are the largest and most prestigious undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM ) scholarships in Canada. Last year, out of more than 1,500 applications, 50 students received this celebrated award (1 in 33 chance).

Exciting news: Each scholarship is now valued at up to $100,000!

Recognizing the increasing importance and impact that STEM disciplines will have on the prosperity of future generations, businessman and philanthropist Seymour Schulich established this $100 million scholarship fund to encourage our best and brightest students to be the next pioneers of global scientific research and innovation. To help achieve this goal, 20 of Canada’s top universities were selected to participate and hand out two awards each, with five of these universities receiving an additional two scholarships for attracting the most Nominee applicants.

Do you have the next Schulich Leader in your graduating class?

Of the 50 scholarship recipients last year, 84% were from schools producing a winner for the first time. We ask that you continue the legacy within your school by once again selecting one graduating student (two if a Cégep) to represent your school as your 2017 Schulich Leader Nominee.

Each scholarship includes up to $100,000 in funding to attend one of our 20 partner universities, plus many ongoing benefits including; recognition on a National stage, increased access to summer jobs and internships from top Canadian employers, invitations to exclusive webinars and networking opportunities.
Click here to view our 2017 information package.

Criteria:  Must have two of the three to qualify

Academic Excellence
Leadership in Community, Business or Entrepreneurial
Financial Need

If you are interested in being  Nominated for this Scholarship please see Ms. Falsetto in B110.

BC Health Care Bursaries

Health Services Association (HSA) members and their families are eligible to apply for a number of educational scholarships and bursaries:


Twenty $1000 full-time and four $500 part time bursaries are available to HSA members or their kids under 25.
2017 applications available December, 2016
Ten $1000 scholarships are available to HSA members and their kids under 25.
2017 applications available December, 2016


HSA provides two $1000 bursaries to Aboriginal students from BC who are continuing or proceeding in any HSA-related field.
2017 applications available December, 2016


The Madden Memorial Education Fund was established in 1984 following the death of Joe Madden, who was HSA’s Assistant Executive Director from 1974 to 1984. Through the Madden Memorial Education Fund, HSA provides financial assistance to members attending external labour education programs.


HSA is an affiliate member of the National Union of Public and General Employees, and that means HSA members and their families are eligible to apply for a number of NUPGE scholarships — the Tommy Douglas Scholarship ($1500), the Terry Fox Memorial Scholarship ($1500), the Scholarship for Aboriginal Canadians ($1500) and the Scholarship for Visible Minorities ($1500).


The Columbia Institute is a national charitable organization committed to lifelong learning that benefits all segments of society. It was established by Working Enterprises, a group of companies owned by the labour movement.


  • Nurses Education Bursary Program – This program provides up to $1 million in bursary funding, awarded each year to qualified nursing applicants who demonstrate the greatest financial need. Bursary awards range from $500 to $2,000 per recipient. Only one Bursary will be issued to an individual in a 12-month period. You are eligible if you are enrolled in a full-time nursing program of at least 4 months in length at a designated post-secondary institution that leads to a Certificate, Diploma or Degree recognized for practice in B.C.
  • British Columbia Loan Forgiveness program – Recent graduates in some professions can have their B.C. student loans forgiven by agreeing to work at publicly funded facilities in British Columbia. In some cases, eligibility also includes working in an underserved area of B.C. If you qualify for the program, the government of B.C. will forgive your outstanding B.C. student loan debt at a rate of 33 1/3% per year.
  • More information about BC government bursaries, loans and student aid

TD Canada Trust Scholarships for Community Leadership

TD Canada Trust Scholarships for Community Leadership:

For over two decades, young people across Canada have consistently gone above and beyond to make their community — and our world — a better place. That definitely deserves recognition.

What are the TD Scholarships?

Twenty TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are awarded to students in their last year of high school or CEGEP (in Quebec) who have demonstrated leadership in improving their community. Each scholarship has a value of up to $70,000 and includes:
  • Up to $10,000 for tuition per year (for up to a maximum of four years)
  • $7,500 a year for living expenses (for up to a maximum of four years)

Helping you build connections

But that’s not all. These scholarships also help you make connections that could last a lifetime, including:
  • Offers of paid summer employment
  • Mentorship opportunities
  • Annual gatherings, networking opportunities and more

Two easy ways to apply

TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are open to students across Canada who are in their final year of high school or CEGEP (in Quebec); have a minimum overall grade average of 75% in their most recently completed school year and have demonstrated community leadership.

  1. Apply online› and mail all of your supporting documents
  1. Download your application here. Print and mail your completed application with your supporting documents.
Include all of your supporting documents and ensure that your application is received by November 18, 2016. All applications and correspondence should be registered to:
Universities Canada
Ref: TD Scholarships for Community Leadership
350 Albert Street, Suite 1710
Ottawa, ON K1R 1B1
Here’s more about the application process:
You can apply directly online using our digital application form, or print your application and mail it to us by the application deadline. As well, we require:
1. 600-word essay describing your community leadership experience. Tell us:
  • Why you got involved.
  • How your involvement shows initiative and innovation.
  • The ways your efforts have strengthened others.
  • How long you have been involved.
  • What you think the long-term impact will be.
  • How your community has affected you.
  • In addition, include a brief description of the range of your other community activities.
2. A letter of recommendation from your school.
3. Two letters of support from community groups.
4. Your academic transcript.
5. You also have the option of including:
  • A 250-word essay (three copies) describing your family and personal life, for example your family’s employment or economic situation.
  • A 250-word essay about your life experiences if you have taken a year or more away from high school or CEGEP.

What is “community leadership”?

We’re interested in hearing from students who have demonstrated consistent and outstanding dedication to solving a community problem or making their community a better place. For example, you may be cleaning up the environment, promoting social justice, or fighting child poverty. Check out what some of the past scholarship recipients have done to improve their community.

How are the winners chosen?

We carefully review all applications, taking into consideration not only each applicant’s contributions to the community but also their personal circumstances and any special challenges they may have faced along the way.
We then select up to 80 finalists from across five regions:
  • Atlantic Canada
  • Quebec
  • Ontario
  • Prairie Provinces/Northwest Territories/Nunavut
  • British Columbia/Yukon
Regional selection panels (made up of prominent community members) then interview the finalists. Each region will have at least two scholarship recipients and 20 scholarships will be awarded across Canada (provided there are qualified applicants)