Are you the relative of a BC Government and Services Employee Union (BCGEU)? $2000 Scholarship for part-time study, $3000 for full-time study

Deadline: Sunday, March 12, 2017

Application form HERE.

BCGEU Scholarship Brochure HERE.

BCGEU Frequently Asked Questions HERE.

Applicants must be:

  • a BCGEU member; or related* to a current, retired or deceased BCGEU member or staff
  • a student or prospective post-secondary or higher learning student enrolled, registered or planning to attend an eligible educational institution in 2017.

*Eligible relatives include spouses, (same or opposite sex and common law spouses); parents; and children and grandchildren (including foster, adopted and step children and grandchildren).

Cmolik Foundation awards students for good work ethic, tenacity… up to $35000. Deadline Feb. 9th

The Cmolik Foundation awards scholarships to deserving BC students who have demonstrated good work ethic, tenacity and other commendable attributes in achieving their academic and social goals and who, without our support, may not have the means to attend a post secondary institution.  The Foundation looks for students that have faced adversity, but through hard work and determination have been successful in achieving their goals.  Applicants must have been residents of BC for the past 8 years.

The Foundation will reimburse up to $35,000 for books and tuition leading to an undergraduate degree.  The maximum duration for funding is 5 consecutive years from the start of the student’s initial semester.  Reimbursements are paid in installments throughout the duration of the program provided the students meet the Foundation’s scholarship criteria.

Application info:
Byrne Creek may put forth one student who meets the Cmolik criteria. The deadline to apply through Byrne Creek is Thursday, February 9, 2017. The Byrne Creek Scholarship Committee will select the candidate based on your application form HERE.  The nominee will be notified soon after our committee decides on the nominee. The official deadline to the Cmolik Foundation is Friday, February 23, 2017.  Detailed information is HERE.  
Please see Ms. Falsetto with any questions.

BC Excellence Scholarship – information here. Application due soon.

BC Excellence Scholarship Application package is due to Ms. Falsetto  on Wednesday, February 1, 2017. The Scholarship Committee will meet soon after to determine the applicant who will be eligible to formally apply.

BC Excellence Scholarships recognize well-rounded BC graduates. Winners have demonstrated service and leadership, both at school and in their communities, and shown aptitude for and commitment to their chosen career paths. They receive a $5000 scholarship voucher, which can be redeemed when registered and attending a designated post-secondary institution (i.e. approved for Canada Student Loans by BC) or an authorized trades training provider in BC, within 5 years of graduation and before the expiry date on the voucher.

Each school can nominate one student. So, please submit your package to Ms. Falsetto by Wednesday, February 1 either by email or in B110.

Your application package must include:

  • Resume in the mandatory format.  Be sure to include your personal interests and accomplishments. See the link HERE for format details.
  • Two reference letters, one from your community and one from your school;
  • Written statement, maximum 500 words, which must describe:

    – What led you to your most relevant community service, volunteer activity, and/or leadership role – What you learned from this experience
    – How this experience will benefit you in your chosen career path.

Please see the the link HERE for all details.  You may also see Ms. Falsetto with any questions.


Interested in a career in Tourism, Technology or Citizenship? Travel across Canada to gain experience.

Experiences like this teach you a lot about yourself and they help you understand more about what you like and don’t like. Don’t worry too much about the money… registration and travel costs are covered! The organizing Rotary Club arranges for the students to be Billeted with a host family. All other personal expenses are the responsibility of the student.


Travel to Kelowna.

The Rotary Adventures in Tourism program promotes a greater level of understanding and appreciation for the value tourism represents to communities across Canada. The program will promote an understanding of the vocational opportunities present within this growing and important industry. This program will expose students to the inner workings of a variety of specific tourism based industries with the intent of clarifying both the question of how these operations function and why they are integral components of our communities.

Application info for TOURISM HERE.

The deadline to apply is February 13, 2017. See Ms. Falsetto with any questions.


Travel to Saskatoon.

Adventures in Technology is a comprehensive, carefully planned four and one-half day event that allows students to explore: advanced technology, research, development and applications. During your visit, students tour an exciting array of some of Canada’s finest corporations and research facilities such as the University of Saskatchewan, Areva Resources Ltd, Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, and the Canadian Light Source. These organizations offer tours, provide hands-on opportunities and informative lectures. The experience enhances each participant’s awareness and understanding of technology, the many ways it affects our lives, and the opportunities it holds for tomorrow.

Application info for TECHNOLOGY HERE.

The deadline to apply is February 13, 2017. See Ms. Falsetto with any questions.


Travel to Ottawa.

This annual event provides a unique opportunity for a selected group of young Canadians to come together to gain a better understanding of our country. Through meetings with political leaders, senior officials and others, you will learn a great deal about the workings of our democratic institutions. Through meeting one another and having discussions among themselves, you learn to appreciate the diversity of Canada and the privileges and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship.

Candidates should note that among the participant of the program 3 scholarships are available.

Application info for CITIZENSHIP HERE.

The deadline to apply is February 13, 2017. See Ms. Falsetto with any questions.

Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards: open to students of all abilities

The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award – up to $28 000. Deadline is February 1, 2017.

The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award is interested in students who demonstrate compassion and a keen commitment to easing the suffering of others, especially those who address critical needs in society – in an unpaid capacity.

To be considered for the Award, applicants must meet be:

  • In good academic standing.
  • Canadian citizens or landed immigrants.
  • Students graduating from secondary (high) school
  • Involved in voluntary humanitarian activities (for which they have not been compensated).
  • Planning to or are already studying towards their first university degree or diploma at a Canadian post-secondary institution in the upcoming academic year.


The maximum value of the award is $28,000, dispersed over four (4) years.

Details for the Terry Fox Awards are attached HERE.

Schulich Leader Scholarship ($$$) Application info:

Schulich Leader Scholarships award $80,000 or $100,000 in scholarships. Each school is only permitted to submit ONE applicant.  If you are interested in applying for the Schulich Leader Scholarship, please follow these instructions:

  1. Read the Schulich application info HERE
  2. Prepare a sample package for your school’s Scholarship Committee.  They will read all school applications and select one student as the Schulich Scholarship applicant
  3. In the sample package, please include:                                                                    – – Names of the universities you want to attend
    – List of top three achievements (academic or other)
    – 600 word essay demonstrating why you should be selected
    – Copy of an up-to-date transcript                                                                       Then, hand this package to Ms. Falsetto before Wednesday, January 4th, 2017.  You will know who is selected before Monday, January 9th, 2017
  4. Recognize that the official Schulich Scholarship Deadline is February 22,2017. You may revise your essay after you have been selected by the Byrne Creek Scholarship Committee.

Please see Ms. Falsetto with any questions.


Thanks for coming to our Alumni Q&A today! Alumni contact info here:

Alumni Panelists’ Contact Information: 

A special thanks to our Byrne Creek alumni who came to our panel discussion this morning! If students want to ask questions, our panelists are happy to respond.  Here is their contact info:

From left to right (see photo below):

Marco Elezovic: Douglas, Diploma In Criminology; currently at SFU Criminology.

Rosana Hung: UBC, VCC, and Douglas College Nursing.

Virginia Chiu: UBC Global Resource Systems.

Raphaella Robles: SFU Interactive Arts and Technology.

Zahra Haq: SFU Faculty of Health Science (majoring in Life Sciences).

Martina Formoso: SFU Health Sciences/BCIT Nursing.

img_4302-jpgPlease contact Ms. Falsetto for details.


Make a living, not a life: Cap U Global Stewardship Program- this Wed. Nov. 30th

Global Stewardship Program at Capilano University. Info session is this Wednesday, November 30th at 7 pm in Cedar Building, Room 120.

Who is this for?

Do you want to become a teacher, human rights lawyer, sustainable business owner, international aid worker, film maker, geographer, nurse with Doctors Without Borders, lobbyist, diplomat, fundraiser, social worker, urban planner, and not-for-profit manager, just to name a few exciting careers?

That’s what the 300 or so alumni of the Global Stewardship Program. Their website is HERE.  They are working to make change around the world, across Canada, and in our own communities.

But what they all have in common is a desire – forged in their high school experience – to not just make a living, but a life.

If so, come to an information meeting Wednesday, November 30th at 7pm.

Click HERE for more info.

You can follow on instagram @globalstews as well.