UPDATE and REMINDER: $1250 Dogwood Scholarship Applications due on Tuesday, May 29th

There are 22 scholarships available for Byrne students. You must excel in one of:

  • Fine Arts
  • Applied Skills
  • Physical Activity
  • International Languages
  • Technology and Trades
  • Community Service
  • Indigenous Language and Culture

To be eligible:

  • You must have taken a concentration of at least 4 senior courses in your area
  • One of the 4 courses can be Work Experience 12A, provided it was done in your chosen elective areas. Other courses outside of the chosen area (both academic and non-academic) that have a direct and obvious relationship to the chosen elective area may also be counted among the FOUR. (If you are in doubt about this submit your application and we will decide)
  • You must graduate from high school before August 31, 2018 and be enrolled in post secondary program to continue studies in your chosen elective area.
  • You must demonstrate good attendance, punctuality, work habits and cooperation.
  • You must pass English 12 or Communications 12.
  • You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • You must have a minimum 2.5 GPA (C+ average) based on your best 10 grade 11 and 12, 4 credit courses

More details:

Elective area Course/experience requirement
Fine Arts Visual, Dance, Drama, Music


Applied Skills Business Ed, Tech Ed, Home Economics, Cooking or Culinary ACE_IT
Physical Activity Athletics, dance, gymnastics. Not limited to Physical Education-i.e. provincial volleyball, sports camps, etc.
International Languages Taken more than two languages with IRP’s or External Assessments, including AP courses.
Technical and Trades Carpentry, Automotive, Mechanics, Cooks Training, Construction and any of the tech/trade Ace-It programs
Community Service Must have two or more leadership type classes (Peer tutoring counts), be going into a field of service and must have two or more letters demonstrating over 300 hours of community involvement. There is a demonstration of local and global issues and cultural awareness.
Indigenous Languages and Culture Students must be of Aboriginal decent, must be taking an Aboriginal studies course and be heavily active in their Aboriginal Community.

Be sure to list your eligibility evidence on your application HERE.

See Ms. Falsetto with questions.

Thank you,











$500 Big Sun Scholarship for athletes. Deadline June 19th

The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. In order to do our part we are offering an annual scholarship to a deserving student. All student athletes are eligible regardless of the sport they are engaged in or the capacity in which they participate. The student must be a high school senior or be attending a post secondary institute.

How to apply:

Please send us a short essay (500 – 1,000 words) answering the following questions:

  • How did your participation in sports during your high school years influence you?
  • Has your participation influenced your career goals?
  • Has your participation influenced how you relate to your family?

Website link is HERE.

Deadline is June 19th, 2018.

3x $1000 South Burnaby Metro Club Scholarship – deadline Tuesday, May 22nd

The South Burnaby Metro Club will be awarding three (3) $1,000.00 bursaries representing our youth Soccer, Baseball and Basketball programs.   The bursaries  are open to all graduating Grade 12 students who have in the past or present been actively involved with one of our programs for a minimum of three (3) years. Multiple sport applications will be accepted, however you must have participated at least three (3) years in each specified sport and you may receive only one (1) of the bursaries.


Please CLICK HERE for more information.

 Submit your application with a covering letter and documentation to:

SBMC Bursary Committee, PO Box 72022, 4429 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 4P9.

Application must be received by 6pm Tuesday, May 22, 2018.

$1000 CEBC Scholarship for students pursuing a future in clean energy: Deadline is May 27th

Clean Energy BC (CEBC) is pleased to offer a student scholarship of $1000. The scholarship is available for students who are interested in pursuing a future in clean energy at a post-secondary institution.

Eligibility: Must be a BC secondary student (full-time, currently enrolled) that is graduating in 2018.

Application Materials:

  • Applicants must submit a 1-2 page paper (500 words) responding to the question “Why is clean energy important to me as a young person in BC?” Please explain why clean energy is important, cite any relevant experience with projects, volunteering, or community work, and indicate any future plans for involvement (please indicate the post-secondary institutions you have applied to and any acceptances).
  • Applicants must also provide one letter of reference (not a relative). This could be from a teacher, a community representative, a pastor/religious teacher or a coach. The reference letter should speak to your character as a person.
  • Please provide your contact information – address, phone number and e-mail.Deadline: Applications must be received by May 27, 2018.
  • For more info, CLICK HERE.
  • Please submit applications by mail or email to:Anitra Paris
    354-409 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2Anitra.Paris@cleanenergybc.org

    All decisions of CEBC’s Awards Committee are final. The winner will be notified in early June 2018.Special thanks to EcoFish Research for funding for this scholarship.

Up to $5,000 Lisa Huus Bursary for persons with disabilities: Deadline is Thursday, May 31st

LISA HUUS BURSARY assists persons with physical disabilities to begin or continue post-secondary education in British Columbia.

About the Bursary
The Lisa Huus Memorial Fund provides bursaries in the range of $500 to $2,000 annually per recipient, to assist persons with disabilities to undertake or continue their post-secondary education for academic credit at the University of Victoria or other accredited post-secondary institutions in British Columbia. Bursaries may be used for items such as tuition fees, textbooks, equipment, transportation, residence and support worker costs.

  • Persons with disabilities studying at the University of Victoria or another accredited post-secondary institution in British Columbia.
  • Persons attending a qualifying post-secondary institution who require a personal attendant, are dependent on a mechanical device for mobility or maintenance of body functions, require major continuing therapies, or have other significant special needs.
  • Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Only complete applications that meet all stated criteria will be considered for funding

Bursary Amount: Up to $5,000 per student

For eligibility requirements, to learn more, or to apply CLICK HERE.

Deadline to apply: Thursday, May 31st


2 x $1,750, 1 x $1,500, and 1 x $2,500 Looking Glass Scholarships for students who have received or are receiving treatment for an eating disorder: Deadline is July 6th

Each year, the Looking Glass Foundation awards several thousand dollars to BC students who have received, or are currently receiving, treatment for an eating disorder. They are now accepting applications for our Persevere, Rise Above, and Pursue Your Passion scholarships, to be awarded to 3 promising students!

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Applications are open to all genders and ages, in any program area
  • Eligible scholarship recipients are Canadian students enrolled in full-time studies at an accredited BC post-secondary institution,
    are BC residents enrolled in full-time studies at an accredited Canadian post-secondary institution
  • Students should be commencing or returning to full-time studies between September 2018 and January 2019
  • The application deadline is July 6th, 2018
  • You can apply online on March 1st! Application forms, rules, and full instructions will be made available on our webpage at that time

Please contact scholarship@lookingglassbc.com with any questions or concerns.

Details of the scholarships available: 

Rise Above Scholarship: $1,750
The Looking Glass Foundation awards this scholarship to someone who is making a difference through community service and leadership. This year, we are delighted to award the Rise Above scholarship in honour of two highly valued members of the LGF Community: Jeff and Sonia Hayes. The Hayes have been generous donors, supporters, and volunteers with Looking Glass for nearly a decade, and we look forward to awarding the Jeff and Sonia Hayes Rise Above Scholarship to a deserving recipient this year!

Pursue Your Passion Scholarship: $1,750
The Looking Glass Foundation awards this scholarship in recognition of someone’s passion, excitement, and enthusiasm for a goal or ideal – around which they have special aspirations for higher learning.

Persevere Scholarship: $1,500
The Looking Glass Foundation awards this scholarship to someone who demonstrates a need for financial assistance in reaching their academic goals. The recipient of this scholarship will also be awarded the Elise Skoglund Bursary of $1,000.

Elise Skoglund Bursary – $1,000

The Elise Skoglund Bursary is funded by Elise, her family and friends. It was created to honor and recognize Elise’s own triumphs and setbacks in her struggles with the disease; as well as her many contributions to the wellness of others through her involvement in the Eating Disorder peer support community. The bursary is linked to the Persevere Scholarship and is intended to provide additional financial support and recognition for individuals pursuing academic goals.

More information about the Looking Glass Foundation:

Hand in Hand Support Program

This popular, in-demand program is designed to provide meaningful, weekly support to people ages 16+ who are struggling with an eating disorder. Each participant is matched with a trained volunteer mentor* who offers compassion, judgment-free listening, and acceptance, as well as guidance in setting positive goals and boundaries. We emphasize the importance of self-care, and help our participants to explore what “recovery” means for them personally.

Hand in Hand is available either in-person or via Skype, and is available to to people of all genders and backgrounds, ages 16+. It’s free, and there is no limit to how long you wish to receive support. To learn more, or to register, please visit our webpage: https://www.lookingglassbc.com/hand-in-hand/

Individualized Support Service

This new, customized program is similar in some ways to Hand in Hand, except that all of the support takes place in a private, anonymous, online setting. Each participant is given their own private forum space where they can safely share their struggles,  goals, hopes, and triggers with a team of trained volunteer mentors.* Participants can access the forum space 24/7, and their posts will receive an encouraging, supportive, thoughtful message from one or more volunteers within 24 hours.

ISS is available to people of all genders and backgrounds, ages 14+. It’s free, and there is no limit to how often, or for how long you wish to receive support. To learn more, or to register, please visit our webpage: https://www.lookingglassbc.com/individualized-support-service/

*Our volunteer mentors are required to pass both a Criminal Record and a Vulnerable Persons background check.

$1250 Dogwood Scholarship information now posted: Deadline Tuesday, May 29th

Dogwood District/Authority Scholarship Application

The Ministry of Education will award twenty-two $1250 scholarships to Byrne Creek students who have excelled in one of seven elective areas (listed below).  These students will also be enrolling in a post-secondary program to continue their studies in that elective area.

To apply, please complete THIS preliminary application and submit it to Ms. Falsetto in room B110 before Tuesday, May 29th. If your preliminary application is approved, you will be contacted to complete the official district application. All official applications will be forwarded to the District Scholarship Committee for consideration and selection will be based on final percentage and experience in the area.

You must demonstrate excellence in one of the following elective areas:

Elective area Course/experience requirement
Fine Arts Visual, Dance, Drama, Music
Applied Skills Business Ed, Tech Ed, Home Economics, Cooking or Culinary ACE_IT
Physical Activity Athletics, dance, gymnastics. Not limited to Physical Education-i.e. provincial volleyball, sports camps, etc.
International Languages Taken more than two languages with IRP’s or External Assessments, including AP courses.
Technical and Trades Carpentry, Automotive, Mechanics, Cooks Training, Construction and any of the tech/trade Ace-It programs
Community Service Must have two or more leadership type classes, be going into a field of service and must have two or more letters demonstrating over 300 hours of community involvement. There is a demonstration of local and global issues and cultural awareness.
Indigenous Languages and Culture Portfolio of work showing participation in school or community. Community service/volunteer activity in this area: participation in a minimum of 300 hours of community service/volunteer activity in this area over grades 10 through 12. Demonstration of good attendance, punctuality, work habits and cooperation.


  • You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and must have demonstrated superior achievement in one of the elective areas listed above.
  • You must have a minimum 2.5 GPA (C+ average) based on your best 10 grade 11 and 12, 4 credit courses AND you must have taken a concentration of courses (at least 4 at the grade 11 & 12 level) in one of the elective areas listed above.
  • One of the 4 courses can be Work Experience 12A, provided it was done in your chosen elective areas. Other courses outside of the chosen area (both academic and non-academic) that have a direct and obvious relationship to the chosen elective area may also be counted among the FIVE. (If you are in doubt about this submit your application and we will decide)
  • You must graduate from high school before August 31, 2018 and be enrolled in post secondary program to continue studies in your chosen elective area.
  • You must demonstrate good attendance, punctuality, work habits and cooperation.
  • You must pass English 12 or Communications 12.
  • You CAN receive both a provincial scholarship (based on provincial exam results) as well as one of these scholarships-this was not the cast in past years.

Application form is available HERE.

Deadline is Tuesday, May 29th.

Please note: This is the day before the Grad Ceremony.

















$2000-$5000 Automotive Industry Scholarships for students who come from a low income family: Deadline Saturday, June 30th

The Automotive Retailers Foundation Inc. will award in 2018 a total of 10 Scholarships & Bursaries up to $20,000.

The awards were developed to aid low-income individuals ($40,000 or less combined family income) enrolled in a post-secondary automotive industry related program.

The Foundation has asked for help in promoting the awards to our students and encouraging you to apply.

The new awards are:

Ed Coates Memorial Red Seal Automotive Trades Scholarship            – $5,000 (quantity 1)
William (Willie) Freeburn Memorial Automotive Glass Technician Scholarship    – $500 (quantity 2)

The seven existing awards doubled for 2018:

Bob Clarke Memorial Scholarship        – $2,000 (quantity 1)
BC Auto Recyclers Bursary              – $2,000 (quantity 2)
Automotive Trades Development Scholarship          – $2,000 (quantity 2)
Apprenticeship Scholarship – 2nd year applicants    – $2,000 (quantity 1)
Apprenticeship Scholarship – 3rd year applicants     – $2,000 (quantity 1)

For the Automative Retailers Foundation Inc. website, CLICK HERE.

For the application form, CLICK HERE.

Deadline to apply is Saturday, June 30th. 

Up to $3,500 in grants for students with a passion for technology: Deadline May 4th

BC Tech Scholarship Program is proud to provide grants to students who have a proven ​passion for technology,​ a desire to ​leave a mark in the tech sector,​ and are pursuing a ​post-secondary education in a technology-related program.​

2018 Grant Amounts:

  • Up to ​3 x $3,500​ for current University and College students
  • Up to ​3 x $2,500​ for Grade 12 graduates entering post-secondaryEligible Disciplines Include:
  • Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Biotech
  • Cleantech
  • IT & Applied Technology
  • Business & Technology Management
  •  Product Management
  •  Digital Media
  • and other technical programs.Scholarship Criteria:

    Please click HERE​  to find out more about the scholarship criteria for University/College students and Grade 12 graduates entering post-secondary.

    Deadline to Apply: 11:59 PM Friday May 4, 2018

    If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Mok at ​amok@wearebctech.com.​

For general information, click HERE.

Up to $7000 scholarship for students wanting to get certification as a Commercial Heavy Duty Mechanic: Deadline June 30th

The Association of School Transportation Services of British Columbia (ASTSBC) will award a scholarship to eligible student(s) attending an educational facility in the Province of British Columbia for the express purpose of attaining certification as a Commercial Heavy Duty Mechanic. The Association will sponsor a maximum of four (4) students at any one time.

Eligibility Criteria for the ASTSBC Scholarship:

The applicant must:

  1. a)  be registered at an approved (authorized or certified) British Columbia educational facility;
  2. b)  have a minimum GPA of 3.5;
  3. c)  be a Canadian citizen;
  4. d)  submit a complete, up-to-date, official high school transcript from Grade 12 or proof of equivalency;
  5. e)  complete and submit the Scholarship Application, which includes 2 essays to be written by the applicant.

    Question 1: Describe the importance of a Commercial Heavy-Duty Mechanic as it relates to the Kindergarten to Grade 12 educational system.

    Question 2: What do you think is the greatest advancement in the various technologies used in heavy-duty vehicles over the last 10 years?

Please submit applications by June 30 or December 31.

For more information and application form, click HERE.

If you have any questions, please email to info@astsbc.org with “ASTSBC Scholarship” in subject line.