Final Earth Day Challenge

Our family has been working on keeping up with our Earth Day challenge list and today we are going to focus on our planting seeds challenge.  The plan for today is to plant some seeds to grow inside the house and eventually plant them into a couple of larger pots outside of our home.  I am using some seeds that were purchased, but we are also going to experiment with some fruit, vegetable and flower seeds and roots that my children want to try out and see what happens.  As of right now, we have green onion roots, a variety of herb seeds, mixed flower seeds, lemon seeds, beans and squash–definitely a varied selection!  If you would like to try planting your own seeds, but can’t get any pots or seeds, try to use what you have around the house.  There are many suggestions online of how you use recycled items around the house to make this an inexpensive and truly earth-friendly activity. For those of you who would like to read about gardening, there is The Curious Garden by Peter Brown, now available through Scholastic’s Bookflix and Click’s Garden by Amy Tao.