This is an annual program hosted by Alliance of Black Employee Experience and Leadership (“ABEEL”) Foundation. The program aims to encourage youths across Canada to share their vision of a future without racism and bring to light all intersectional issues that stem from racism. Through this effort, we hope to engage students in meaningful dialogue about how they see racism manifest in their own lives, and what steps we can all take towards a less hateful – and more prosperous – future for all of us. As part of this program, youths from Canadian high schools (or seeking equivalent educational certificates in Canada) will use a creative medium of their choosing to bring their ideas to life, including creative writing, non-fiction writing, photography, visual arts, music, or video.
Registration Applicant groups must register by Thursday, December 16, 2021 by submitting
Registration Requirements (Page 11-12) via email to sfspregistration@abeelfoundation.ca or by completing your registration via this link. Submission
1. Applicant groups can include up to a maximum of 5 students. Group Work is encouraged.
2. Applicants should ensure their group is diverse. We strongly encourage the inclusion of 1 or more Black students.
3. All response requirements must be completed and submitted in the format requested.
4. Applicants must submit their submission responses by Friday, January 14, 2022 @ 11:59 pm. Late submissions will not be accepted.
5. All completed submissions must be submitted to our evaluation team at via email to sfspregistration@abeelfoundation.ca
If you are interested in finding out more information about this opportunity please see Ms. Gillam!
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Sunshine Society Scholarship Opportunity.

Sunshine Society is excited to give back by providing financial recognition to a student who shows extensive leadership within the community, has faced or currently faces adversities, and faces financial hardships.

This is the first time that Sunshine Society has come out with this opportunity and we are looking forward to offering this opportunity annually!

The scholarship requires that candidates are currently in the 12th grade at a secondary school in the Metro-Vancouver region and is confirmed to be attending an accredited Canadian post-secondary institute. Candidates must demonstrate strong community involvement, possess the motivation for a bright future in the face of adversity, and be facing financial hardships.

Check out application details at this link!

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Terry Fox Humanitarian Award

Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards are open to students of all abilities.

To be considered for the Award, applicants must meet be:

  • In good academic standing.
  • Canadian citizens or landed immigrants.
  • Students graduating from secondary (high) school or students completing their first year of CÉGEP or students who have completed secondary (high) school
  • Involved in voluntary humanitarian activities (for which they have not been compensated).
  • Planning to or are already studying towards their first university degree or diploma at a Canadian post-secondary institution, or entering their 2nd year of CÉGEP in the upcoming academic year.

Terry Fox Award Recipients are eligible to receive the Award until they graduate with their first university degree or diploma (for a maximum of four years), provided they maintain satisfactory academic standing and a standard of humanitarian work and personal conduct which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, justifies the award.


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Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarship

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at the University of Toronto provide an unparalleled opportunity for outstanding international students to study at one of the world’s best universities in one of the world’s most multicultural cities. The scholarship program is intended to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and creativity and who are recognized as leaders within their school. A special emphasis is placed on the impact the student has had on the life of their school and community, and their future potential to contribute positively to the global community.

To be eligible to apply to the Pearson International Scholarship, you must be:

  • an international student (i.e. a non-Canadian requiring a study permit);
  • currently in your final year of secondary school or have graduated no earlier than June 2021 beginning your studies at the University of Toronto in September 2022 (students already attending post-secondary studies cannot be considered; students starting their studies in January 2022 at another post-secondary institution cannot be considered. 

Pearson Scholarship Deadlines

  • School nomination deadline: November 30, 2021
  • Student scholarship application deadline: January 17, 2022
 If you would like to be considered for this scholarship please ensure you have a completed student profile and let Ms. Gillam know that you are interested in being nominated. 
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National Book Award – University of Toronto

The University of Toronto National Book Award Program recognizes and rewards the very best Canadian secondary school students, regardless of which university those students choose to attend. These are students who demonstrate superior academic performance, original and creative thought, and exceptional achievement in a broad context. They excel in academic pursuits, demonstrate enthusiasm for intellectual exploration and have a strong involvement in the lives of their schools and communities. It is not necessary that the student intend to apply for admission to the University of Toronto. Award recipients receive a National Book Award recognizing their achievements, and as a symbol of their academic potential. It is a non-monetary award. The book will be presented to the student at their secondary school graduation or awards ceremony at the end of the school year. If you are interested in this please complete your Student Profile and let Ms. Gillam know that you are interested in being nominated. Due to Gillam Oct. 8th
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Loran Scholarship

Hi grads! Information is now available for the Loran Scholarship. This scholarship is one of the country’s largest (valued at $100,000) and is awarded to Canadians on the basis of character, service and the promise of leadership. This scholarship looks at integrity, courage, compassion, determination and a high level of personal autonomy. If you are interested in this scholarship and want to explore it more, please visit 
Applications are due October 13th, 2021
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Attention French Immersion Students!

$3,000 French as a Second Language (FSL) Bursary for students who will be starting their first year at UBC during the 2021-22 academic year.

About the bursary:

This bursary program, which is administered by the Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC), aims to encourage a greater number of young English-speaking Canadians to become bilingual, while studying in their field of interest. It offers the opportunity to expand knowledge about the Francophone culture.

 Eligibility criteria and application process:


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Kemper Human Rights Essay Contest – $2000

This year the Kemper Human Rights Education Foundation (khref.orgis offering prizes of $2000, $750 and $250 to high school students judged to have written the best answers to the following


Does the distribution of income and wealth in your country and/or between countries violate human rights and if so what can and should be done about it?


1.  There are two contests: one for high school students in the U.S. and one for high school students who are citizens and residents of other countries.
2. Essays are due on or before December 10, 2021 (Human Rights Day),
3.  Essays should be approximately 2500 words in length and be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment to: kemperhumanrights@gmail.com or by regular mail to: KHREF, 184 Fillow Street, Norwalk, CT 06850.

4.   Essays will be judged according to how clearly and well they answer the question posed and the extent to which they are supported by research.
5.  Submissions should include a cover page with the: title of the essay, author’s name and grade level, the name and address of the author’s high school, the name of a teacher or administrator at the high school and the following statement signed by the author and author’s parent or guardian: “I give the Kemper Human Rights Education Foundation permission to publish this essay.”

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The 2021 Elmer Helm Youth Fund

Award: $1,500 (paid in 2 increments of $750.00 in late August and January)
Students who receive this award are eligible to apply for renewal on an annual basis up to a maximum of four years.
Anticipated Scholarship Committee DeadlineJune 15, 2021 (we will review and submit on your behalf)
Official Deadline: June 30, 2021; 5:00 PM
Provide financial assistance to deserving students who wish to pursue post-secondary training in the artistic, academic or technical fields.
It is the aim of the fund to make such education possible for students who may otherwise not have the financial means.
  • under the age of 25
  • accepted into post-secondary training in artistic, academic, or technical field
  • significantly involved in their community in a volunteer capacity
  • strong academic achievement and potential is important, however, it is more important that the applicant has demonstrated a significant contribution to the life of their community to exemplify the Neighbourhood House values of community service
Please submit the following information in the following order via email to central@anhbc.org as a single PDF file:
(If completed by June 15, 2021- we will review and submit on your behalf. Below email mentions of paper applications that can be mailed. If you would like to opt for this, please let us know ASAP.)
  1. A completed Contact Information Form (above).
  2. A letter from the candidate outlining:
    • personal goals
    • career goals
    • an explanation of why the candidate believes he or she should be selected for the award.
  1. Documentation regarding academic standing and other accomplishments, i.e. transcript(s).
  2. Three letters of reference from members of the community or from school.
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District Authority Scholarship DEADLINE: May 28th, 2021 to Ms. McChesney

District/  Authority Scholarships Criteria:

  • student must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident at time of application
  • student will graduate by August 31, 2021
  • student has demonstrated excellence in non-academic field(s) from ONE of the following areas and enrolling in a post secondary program to continue studies in their chosen elective area:


Technical and Trades Training (Carpentry, Automotive, Mechanics, Cook Training, Youth Train in Trades Programs) – min. 2.5 GPA (based on best 10 gr. 11 and 12, 4 credit courses including minimum of FOUR courses from chosen area (courses may include WEX 12A/ B)

International Languages (w/ curriculum or external assessments, may include AP/ IB) – min. 2.5 GPA (based on best 10 gr. 11 and 12, 4 credit courses including minimum of FOUR courses from chosen area (courses may include WEX 12A/ B)

Physical Acitivity (Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, PE, District Fitness Leadership Program) – min. 2.5 GPA (based on best 10 gr. 11 and 12, 4 credit courses including minimum of FOUR courses from chosen area (courses may include WEX 12A/ B)

INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE AND CULTURE:  portfolio of work showing participation community service/ volunteer activity in this area:  participation in min. 300 hrs community service/ volunteer activity over gr 10 – 12

Applied Skills (Bus Ed, Tech Ed, Home Ec, Computer Networking, Hotel and Event Management, Hairstyling) – min. 2.5 GPA (based on best 10 gr. 11 and 12, 4 credit courses including minimum of FOUR courses from chosen area (courses may include WEX 12A/ B)

Fine Arts (Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music, Digital Sound, Film, Graphics) – min. 2.5 GPA (based on best 10 gr. 11 and 12, 4 credit courses including minimum of FOUR courses from chosen area (courses may include WEX 12A / B)

COMMUNITY SERVICE:  (in/ out of school) local and global issues and cultural awareness, extensive involvement in student gov’t/ councils, significant participation and leadership in a service-oriented club, hours required over gr 10 – 12 beyond course requirements

  • If you have taken ONE leadership course – min. 300 community service hours
  • If you have not taken any leadership course – min. 400 community service hours
  • work experience hours contribute if directly related to service-related career requiring post-secondary training (eg. nursing, childcare, tourism, policing, etc.)
  • students to provide evidence of their service in form of letter/ document with dates, hours, and description of duties signed by adult manager/ supervisor/ organization (with FULL CONTACT INFO of supervisor)
  • other courses may apply if there is direct and obvious relationship to chosen elective area

Please e-mail the completed application to me directly at adrienne.mcchesney@burnabyschools.ca  BY MAY 28


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