Upcoming Speakers 2020 – 2021

Burnaby North is happy to invite a number of different speakers on a variety of topics. We encourage community and business leaders to host a talk with our students about local projects, unique learning opportunities, community connections or innovative thinking. The ultimate goal of our Speaker Series is to create a school with “thin walls”, to create fluid connections to happens within the building to what occurs in the world around us. Check out the speakers list below and check back for upcoming dates and opportunities!


ReThink Speakers for the 2020-2021 school year are now over. Please check back in the Fall of 2021 for next year’s Speakers and dates! Have a great summer! 


Date & Time Speaker & Organization Topic & Biography
Criminal Lawyer
Ms. Sarah Leamon
Wednesday, May 26th 2021
1:00pm- 1:45pm
(Via Zoom)
Ms. Sarah Leamon
Senior Associate & Founder of the Sarah Leamon Law Group
Join us on zoom with an experienced criminal trial lawyer, Sarah Leamon. Sarah is a Senior Associate and Founder of Sarah Leamon Law Group.  As a criminal defence lawyer, Sarah Leamon is highly knowledgeable in both criminal and administrative law. Check out the following website for more information: https://www.sarahleamonlaw.com/sarah-leamon

Career Opportunities in Statistics
Monday, April 19th 2021
9:15 – 10:15am
(via Zoom)
Mr. Ernest Lai
(BNSS Alum)
Career in Statistics 
Join us with our very own BNSS Alum Mr. Ernest Lai as he talks to you about careers in Statistics. 
World War I & the Psychology of War
Mr. Markus Fahrner 
Date: May 2021 TBA
(via Zoom)
Mr. Markus Fahrner
Port Moody Station Museum Curator
Join Markus for a presentation on how WWI and life in the trenches impacted soldiers lives including anxiety, stress, grief, motivation, PTSD, and other psychological concepts through a historical lens. Date and time tba. Check out a bit about Markus here: https://portmoodymuseum.org/index.php/sample-page/

Canadian Indigenous Author & Graphic Novelist

Wed. March 31st 2021

Mr. David Robertson
Indigenous Cree Author & Graphic Novelist
David A. Robertson (he, him, his) is an award-winning writer with over 25 published books. His books include When We Were Alone (winner Governor General’s Literary Award), Will I See? (winner Manuela Dias Book Design and Illustration Award), Betty: The Helen Betty Osborne Story (listed In The Margins), and the the YA trilogy The Reckoner. David educates as well as entertains through his writings about Indigenous peoples in Canada, reflecting their cultures, histories, communities, as well as illuminating many contemporary issues. David is a member of Norway House Cree Nation and lives in Winnipeg.

Personal Finance for Young Adults 101
(Financial Literacy Skills Workshop)
Wednesday, February 24th  2:30 to 3:15 via Zoom
Mr. Enoch Weng
(BNSS Alum)
Financial Literacy
Join our very own BNSS Alum Mr. Enoch Weng as he presents a Personal Finance for Young Adults 101 session. He will walk you through financial literacy skills and how to save money, how to prepare for university and loans, finances, etc. A zoom link will be provided closer to the date. 
Political Cartoonist
Wednesday, February 10th 1:45-2:30pm
Zoom link emailed to participants 
Mr. Fred Curatolo
Former staff political cartoonist with Sun Media
Ever wondered where the creative ideas for political cartoons come from? How does Critical Thinking come in to the cartoons? Join Fred Curatolo, considered one of Alberta’s foremost cartoonists, who has been drawing since the age of three. Fred began serious editorial cartooning in 1982, and was first published in 1983 in the prestigious Toronto Sun. In 1986, Curatolo started his full-time cartooning career with Metroland Newspapers, until 1989. Three years later, Fred joined the Edmonton Sun as its resident editorial cartoonist and continued in this position until 2006. https://curatolocartoons.com/
Accountant & Tax Manager
Wed. January 27th 2021
(2:30 – 3:15pm)
(via Zoom)
Mr. Jeffrey Cho
CPA & Burnaby North Alum
Tax Manager at PWC Canada
Ever think about a career in accounting? Join Mr. Cho for a session on becoming a accountant and working in field. He will share his experiences with schooling and going through the CRA program as well. Check out his linked in page: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jeffreywcho
Wednesday, December 9
(2:30 – 3:15 pm)
Mr. Keane Leung & Kensington Square
Physiotherapy Team
Ever thought of a career in Physiotherapy? Join Mr. Keane Leung & the Kensington Square Physiotherapy Team for a Q&A presentation over Zoom to find out more! For more information, check out their website:

Learn About University & Research Studies at Harvard

Wednesday, December 2
(2:30 to 3:15 pm)

Mr. William Shen
(BNSS Grad 2018 &
ex-Student Government President)
Want to learn about University studies and research at Harvard? Our very own BNSS grad William Shen will be presenting over Zoom a presentation on life at post-secondary. All grade 11/12 CLC students will be sent a zoom link and more information is available on the Career Life Connections website:
Personal Branding Session
October 21st 2020
Mr. Vince Chan
(Applied Skills Department Head & AP Economics Teacher at Burnaby North)

Your personal brand is the unique combination of skills and experiences that make you you. Effective personal branding will differentiate you from other people in your field as you go through post-secondary and into jobs and careers. We’re used to thinking about brands in relationship to companies and products – think McDonald’s or Apple. But nowadays, anything can be a brand. Even as an individual, you have a personal brand.

So what is your personal brand?
Join Mr. Chan to find out more!