Parenting Resources

There are a lot of parenting resources available both in books and online and it can be confusing to know which ones are worth the read and which ones are not. Here are a list of parenting resources that I have found helpful. Feel free to email me if you have favourites as well and we can add them to the list

Parenting books:

  • The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson (very applicable and age appropriate strategies that can be used right away and takes into account the child’s intellectual and emotional development. My copy is filled with post it notes!)
  • Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Dr. Laura Markham (focuses on the parent’s emotions as well as the child’s emotions. Practical tools to connect with your kids in a positive way)
  • Hold on to Your Kids by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate (written by a physician and a psychologist- as our children age and their peers start to be more influential in their lives, this book gives guidance on how to stay connected to our kids through principles, and practical advice)
  • Positive Discipline Parenting Tools by Jane Nelsen, Mary Nelsen Tamborski, and Brad Ainge (a very practical book that is easily laid out with practical methods to end the power struggles, build communication, and focus on mutual respect)
  • The Awakened Family by Shefali Tsabary (this book changed the way that I thought about parenting years ago. This book teaches you how to be a conscious and present parent)

Parenting Websites:

This site is by Laura Markham and offers courses as well as many free resources for parenting

This site offers parenting workshops and resources for free

This website offers peer support for parents as well as many resources for free

I hope these are helpful for you in your parenting journey. As I blog about particular topics I will add more resources as well.