Dear Parents/Caregivers

In this blog post I will be providing some resources for ADHD…

ADHD is a common condition that is often diagnosed between the ages of 6 and 12. This condition affects approximately 5-7% of children in Canada. There are many resources available for parents who have children with an ADHD diagnosis.

  1. A great website is called “Rolling with ADHD”. This website includes a program that families can go through for free:
  2. Another great website is called “Lives in the Balance.” This was founded by child psychologist Ross Greene. There are a number of great resources on the website including a book recommendation called “The Explosive Child.” A link to Ross Greene’s website is:
  3. BC Children’s Hospital also has a great collection of ADHD resources:
  4. CADDRA is the Center for ADHD awareness in Canada. Their website provides a lot of resources including programs, workshops, and coaches for people diagnosed with ADHD:
  5. A short YouTube video by Ned Hallowell (expert in ADHD) that provides a good analogy for ADHD is:
  6. Another short YouTube video, created by the National Centre for Mental Health, that describes ADHD to kids and touches on the strengths of ADHD is:

As the research and resources suggests parents play an important role for supporting their child with ADHD including: learning as much as they can about ADHD, knowing how ADHD affects your child specifically, teaching your child one strategy at a time, connect with others who have experience with ADHD, set clear expectations and be consistent, talk to your child about their ADHD and celebrate the positive aspects of it as well, connect with your child in positive and loving way.