Terry Fox Humanitarian Award

The Award is highly competitive. The most suitable candidates are those who demonstrate the ideals of Terry Fox – true humanitarians, individuals who are compassionate and altruistic in their intention to improve the lives of others and human welfare overall.

Terry Fox Scholars are ‘doers’ with the ability to inspire and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

In making their selection, the Terry Fox Foundation seriously considers the extent to which candidates have experienced and overcome what others might consider an insurmountable obstacle, yet are determined and dedicated to helping others.

While Terry’s obstacle was a physical one, they consider any circumstance that requires a demonstration of courage and fortitude. Indeed, a myriad of obstacles exist. Tenacity in the face of adversity is of the utmost importance to them.

Although their Selection Committee will look for marks of distinction with regard to the persistent pursuit of excellence in academic, athletic, and civic life; these are not factors we weigh as heavily as courage and humanitarianism.

The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award is interested in students who demonstrate compassion and a keen commitment to easing the suffering of others, especially those who address critical needs in society.

Their online application system, and further eligibility criteria, can be found on their website, www.terryfoxawards.ca. Feel free to contact their office at: (778)-782-3057 or email them at info@terryfoxawards.ca.

Deadline: February 1, 2021

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