May 9: Youth Racial Justice Digital Panel


Byrne Creek Community School has come together to host an online panel centered on youth, in order to explore anti-racism and racial justice issues. The purpose of this event is to bring diverse students together, hear their voices, and celebrate their identities. The day will include three keynote speakers by discussion on how this pandemic affect them and the racism experiences around in the communities. This panel is hosted via Zoom on May 9, 2020.

The event is free , but you need to register here.


Alpha Bits – Staying Connected While Apart

We asked the staff at Alpha a few questions to help us all stay connected while apart. 

  • What are you reading right now?
  • What is your favourite book of all time?
  • How are you keeping busy during social distancing?
  • What do you miss most about Alpha?

Each day we will profile a different staff member and their answers.

Want to participate in the discussion? Visit our Padlets to join in and connect with the Alpha school community. *Responses will be moderated and need approval before being posted, so please participate respectfully.

Questions you can answer are:

  1. What do you miss most about Alpha?
  2. What have you been doing to stay busy during social isolation? (besides school work)

Get a BPL Library Card

Hey Alpha Students: don’t have a library card? BPL branches are closed, but you can call them at 604-436-5400 and get one for free!

Use it to stay home and keep reading with their expanding e-book and audiobook collections in Library to Go or on the Libby app. Browse and borrow from thousands of titles for kids, teens and adults, fiction and non-fiction. You can also browse our Popular Reads: new titles, bestsellers and popular items available right now, with no holds or waiting.

You can also use your library card to access online resources so you can stay on top of the newslearn a new languagedevelop new skillslisten to musicwatch independent films, and more.

During their closure, you can sign up a new library card over the phone, Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm.  

Freedom to Read Week @ Alpha

This week is Freedom to Read Week in Canada. It’s an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about their intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In other words, it’s a week to fight censorship. Come by the library to see our display which features many books that have been banned in Canada or the United States over the past 50+ years.

Or check out this list of books that have been challenged (someone has tried to ban them) either in a library or at a school. Many of the books on this list are now considered classics, like Of Mice and Men and To Kill a Mockingbird. How many have you read?

Interested in learning more? Visit the website here or come by the library this week to look at our display and check out a banned book.



Book Swap December 18

Do you have books you’ve finished reading and don’t want anymore? Why not give them a second life by donating them to the Alpha Book Swap? The Book Swap will take place on December 18th at lunch. It’s a great time to find new books to read over the winter break, or you might even find a gift for someone special. All books at the swap will cost $1, or 1 ticket.You will receive 1 ticket for each book donated. Please see Ms. Haigh for more details.

Murder Mystery Event

Come by the library to try to solve the murder of Miss Terry the Library Assistant (display on now until November 1st). There are three suspects: The Librarian, The Head of Science, and The Head of English. But who did it? How did they do it? And why? Think you know the answer? Submit your detective report to Ms. Haigh by 3pm on Novemeber 4th to be entered in the draw for a chance to win a delicious prize!