Alpha Bits – Ms. Smedbol

Ms. Smedbol is a newer addition to Alpha, but that doesn’t mean she misses it any less. Check out what this hardworking member of the English department misses most about her days inside our school and to learn what she’s been doing to keep busy. Hopefully this is helping everyone feel a little more connected during these unusual times.

Canada During Covid: A Living Archive

The Online Canadian Encyclopedia Historica Canada, has decided to create a living archive during Covid-19. What does that mean? It means that they are collecting artifacts from Canadians to help future Historians understand this time in history better. They want to know what your experience looks like? Sounds like? Feels like?

@CanadaDuringCovid: A Living Archive invites Canadians to document their experiences and creations during this unprecedented time.

How do you participate? First, ask your parent or guardian if it’s okay for you to contribute something to the archive, as it will be visible online. Then it’s time to get creative!

All forms of submissions are welcome, including photographs, GIFS, TikTok videos, poetry, music, painting, drawing, or a written snippet about your day.

Become a part of this public archive by tagging @CanadaDuringCovid and using the hashtag #CanadaDuringCovid on Instagram. We will repost with credit.

Have a private account? Send a direct message! Don’t have an Instagram account? Email your submission to

Mental Health Resources

During this time of global health concerns, our mental health is paramount and regular self-care is important!

Here are a few tips: