Library Book Return

Alpha students, if you’re done reading your library books and they are at home with you, now is the time to return them. (If they are in your lockers, don’t worry about them right now)

You can use the return slot in the hallway outside the library, or the one inside the library.

If you are feeling uneasy about entering the school right now, contact Ms. Haigh to arrange a drop off spot at the front of the school.

Returning your items ensures that future Alpha students have books to read and resources to use.

Thank you!

Alpha Bits – Ms. Clark

Though the school is open in a limited capacity, we will continue on with this project until we run out of participants.As many students are still choosing to stay home, its a nice way to keep connected.

Today’s Alpha Bits features the creative Ms. Clark, one of the school’s art teachers. See below for what she’s been up to during social distancing.

Alpha Bits- Mr. Rockwell

Welcome to the first edition of Alpha Bits in June. Though the school is open in a limited capacity, we will continue on with this project until we run out of participants.As many students are still choosing to stay home, its a nice way to keep connected.

Today we are featuring our Science department’s fearless leader: Mr. Rockwell. See below for what he and Gus have been up to during social distancing.

Alpha Bits – Ms. Smedbol

Ms. Smedbol is a newer addition to Alpha, but that doesn’t mean she misses it any less. Check out what this hardworking member of the English department misses most about her days inside our school and to learn what she’s been doing to keep busy. Hopefully this is helping everyone feel a little more connected during these unusual times.

Mental Health Resources

During this time of global health concerns, our mental health is paramount and regular self-care is important!

Here are a few tips: