National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month in Canada and the theme this year is resilience. Check out the League of Canadian Poets website for more details on how to celebrate the month and virtual events that are going on. We also have a display of poetry books and verse novels on display in the library.

The website sums up this months theme with the following:

What does it mean to be resilient? We meet resilience in every corner we’ve been backed into, every hardship that we endure. Resilience is geographical, spiritual, historical. It’s the fight against climate change, the inner battle with mental health, the outcry for human rights and an end to systemic racism. Resilience is the backbone of generations of trauma, the silence at the dinner table, the bow to culture’s violin. Resilience is the courage to start each day anew. This NPM 2021, we celebrate, reflect on and respect the resilience that has made us who we are.