What’s Happening

The Joy of Genrefication!

Did you know the fiction section of our library is now sorted by genre? This makes it easier than ever to find books you love! Simply find the genre you’re looking for by using the signs on the ends of the aisles. Within each genre, books are sorted alphabetically by author. If you’re looking for a specific book but not sure what genre it is, use our catalogue to search for the book and find its genre under “sublocation”.


Each book has a special genre label on its spine to let you know where it belongs.

Do you forget what genre means? Here is a video to refresh your memory:

The genres in our fiction section are:

  • Realistic Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Animal Stories
  • Humor
  • Historical Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Sci-Fi
  • Dystopian
  • Adventure
  • Horror

Come check out a book from your favourite genre today!



Black Excellence Day

The Ninandotoo Society (with the Burnaby School District) will be hosting Black Excellence Day on January 15, 2024. Black Excellence Day is a lead-up to Black History Month and an opportunity to rejoice in Black history and learn about Black stories, Black art and Black people. It’s a day to stand in solidarity with Black Canadians.

In the Stoney Creek library we are celebrating by highlighting Black stories. Come and check out the many books in our collection written by a Black author or featuring Black characters.

Classes will be listening to stories featured on the Netflix series Bookmarks: Celebrating Black Voices. Watch along with us here:

Or click here to see the whole playlist of other stories from the show.

Happy Black Excellence Day!

Ms. Rudolph is Back!

I am very happy to be back at Stoney Creek as your librarian after taking a year off on maternity leave. Last week brought joy to my heart as the community welcomed me back with excited smiles. Drop by the library to say hi and tell me what you have been reading or ask for a book recommendation (although I have mostly been reading board books for the last year!)

Robotics Stations

Division 7, 8, and 9 have been coming to the library each week to learn about robotics and coding. They worked in groups and made their way through seven different stations that exercised their logic, perseverance, and critical thinking skills. The students were challenged to read through a few basic rules and tips and then try to figure out how to use these new tools on their own. This developed their skills and added new ones through play and collaborative work.

Take a look below to see all the fun they had:

Battle of the Books

Last week our winning Battle of the Books team went to represent Stoney Creek at the district competition. Grade 6/7s across the district have been preparing for the competition for the last five weeks. A set of ten books were chosen for the teams to read and answer questions about and one team was chosen to represent each participating school at the district level.

The district battle was held at University Highlands and the competition was fierce! Our team did us proud and placed 4th out of 9 teams. Way to go Stoney Creek!

Scholastic Book Fair

Get Ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them to become Bolder, Prouder, and Stronger Readers. AND—as always—every book they buy earns Rewards for our school.

Here’s what you need to know about the Fair, which will take place from May 1st-4th at lunchtime (12:15-1:00) and afterschool (3:00-3:30) in the library. We will also be hosting a Family Night on May 4th during student-led conferences (2:00-6:00).

If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Virtual Book Fair from May 1st-5th. All orders ship directly to our school and we will arrange for a pickup time when they arrive. Your online orders will also benefit our school.

Visit our Virtual Book Fair homepage to watch some trailers and look through our digital flyer:


The countdown to more Bookjoy is on! Catch you at the Fair!

VEX Robotics with Division 4

The Grade 5/6 students in Ms. D’Silva’s class have been learning to build and program robots. They used VEX IQ kits to learn about the purpose, main components, and logic of robotics.

They started out by building a Standard Drive Base. They controlled their completed robots both autonomously (using code) and non-autonomously (using a controller). They were asked to create programs to get their robot to drive in a square, do a figure eight, and complete a maze.

They then learned how to use sensors on their robots in order to make their programs more complex. This allowed them to create code to get their robot to do things like drive like a Roomba. Some groups got creative by adding sound and lights to their robot.

Finally, the students added on to their robot to build the Clawbot. It was fun to try and pick up different objects with the robotic arm.

Thank you to the Burnaby DLRC for providing our students with this valuable resource!


Spark Book Fair

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Spark Book Fairs to host a two-week online book fair fundraiser! With Spark Book Fairs, you can choose from a growing catalogue of over 40,000 titles for children and adults at up to 90% off, making it easy for everyone to participate.

Book Fair Details

Event Dates: 2023/01/23 – 2023/02/05

Rewards: 20% of all Spark purchases made during the online book fair will go back to Stoney Creek Community to help purchase new books for our library.

Want to learn more about Spark Book Fairs? Check out the video here: https://youtu.be/Pojv0AEzV7U

Click here to go to our landing page to browse the catalog and support our school!

Let’s reach our $800 goal to support literacy in our school!