I hope this post finds you all well during what is an unprecedented and oftentimes, an uncertain and challenging time. For me personally, I have found reading to be an incredibly helpful way to spend my time over Spring Break and beyond. I have embraced the opportunity to read a variety of books.
And now, as we all navigate our current circumstances and continue learning in different ways, reading remains a constant and dependable activity in our lives. As we see our daily activities limited and changed, reading is something that we continue to be able to do anywhere and at anytime. Reading, in whatever form it takes, weathers any storm we may face.
With this in mind, and as we navigate our new learning environment, I hope the following resources will help support your child(ren) and your family with reading beyond our school walls. Click on the image to visit the site.
Please contact me at stephanie.good@burnabyschools.ca if you need help. Wishing you good health and Happy Reading!