Hear about what books Mrs. Papapanagiotou is reading! The goal is to post a book or two each month, so keep checking back! Some will be “Oldies, but Goodies”, so don’t let the cover deceive you! And of course, some will be brand new to the Gilmore shelves. Books that have been reviewed will also be displayed in the library for your convenience. Please feel free to leave your own comments on the books as you read them and maybe challenge yourself by trying something new. This is a school forum, so please remember your digital citizenship and polite language is a must, even if you have a contrary opinion!
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Odder by Katherine Applegate (F APP)
Image retrieved from SLS.com
This story was a surprise; it wasn’t what I expected based on the picture. The story centers on an otter who takes a risk and the result is an encounter with a great white shark. Odder is rescued and nursed back to health by humans who are trying different ways to ensure she can be returned to the wild. Unique in the way it’s told from an animal’s perspective and in the form of free verse poetry, this story was inspired by the true story of a Monterey Bay Aquarium program that pairs orphaned otter pups with surrogate otter mothers. I learned a lot about otters by reading this story and was impressed by the strategies that were used to help Odder return to the wild. This book also has a glossary of terms, a map, and notes at the end about the overlap between true events and the fictional writings of the book.
MasterMinds Trilogy by Gordon Korman (F KOR)

Image retrieved from Amazon.ca
I read the first book of this trilogy and quite liked the mystery behind it. Without giving away too much and spoiling the ending, this story is about a boy who lives in the best town on Earth. Everyone gets along, everyone has what they need, everything is picture perfect. Eli has nothing to complain about. He has a best friend, a pool, a treehouse, ipad, computer, video games, basketball court and a bike. He has never been outside the town limits because he has never had any need – what he wants, he gets. Until one day boredom takes hold and he is convinced by his friend Randy to ride their bikes to check out an old sports car, an Italian Alfa Romeo, a few miles out of town. Eli makes it just past the “Welcome to Serenity” sign when he gets very nauseous and is hit by an excruciating headache that causes him to fall off his bike and is unable to move or respond. He does remember being loaded in a military helicopter by the town guard though. It is all very suspicious, especially when Randy is quickly sent away. Eli is determined to find out what is going on…and what he discovers is unbelievable. I really liked this book because the premise on which this mystery is based is an interesting concept, which really makes you think about the nature vs. nurture argument. I can’t wait to have some time to read the rest of the series.