
Equity for ELLs-on TEAMS on February 28, 2002 at 3:15pm

MyEd AIP Mentor Training at DRLC on March 1, 12:30pm

Picture Book Inquiry Group-on Teams on March 1, 2022 at 3:15pm

MyED Training Sessions on March 7-10 9-11:30am. Please see TEAMS for details and links.


Student Spotlight

Batu San (12) and Raha Fani Pakel (11) were studying the novel Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman in the Expanding English Strategies class at Burnaby North Secondary. On their final project, their teacher, Ms. Stokes, asked them to reflect on their learning from the book. Batu identified how the author uses indirect characterization effectively and Raha made connections between herself and the situations the characters are in. Both demonstrated powerful critical thinking skills!

Seedfolks is available as a 20 copy set from the DRLC.

Teaching Ideas

Did you know that BookCreator is an app from Microsoft Office O365? BookCreator is an excellent tool for digital storytelling. You can choose templates like picture book or comic book. You can write texts of all lengths and languages. You can also add images for engagement and visual supports and even record someone reading the book for audio support. You can find this amazing program under your apps on Office 0365.


Linda Peteherych, LINC instructor and Literacy Lead, created this beautiful poster for helping MLLs with letter-sounds. A black and white version as well as different sizes are available on Teams as PDFs. Thank you Linda for sharing with our community!


A Taste of SIOP

Vocabulary Development:

When planning your own lessons or supporting a colleague, consider focusing on only 3-5 Tier 3 vocabulary words at one time. Choose the words that have the most impact on the topic. By focusing on only a few at a time, it allows students to deepen their understanding of the words and makes it more likely that they will retain the words.

Some strategies that can help with this include the use of images or diagrams, providing non-examples and using the word across multiple contexts.